Chapter 1

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I should warn you, I have dyslexia so chapters may be a little sloppy or take a while to come out. Thanks for being patient!
Also, I'll leave a warning whenever there's smut or anything triggering in this story (there probably will be both lol)


George's P.O.V


I slam my hand on my alarm to shut it off, causing it to fall off my dresser and unplug from the wall. I groan and bury my face deeper into my pillows, hoping for a few extra minutes of sleep. A knock on my door and a voice pulls me away from those wonderful thoughts,

"George! Time to get your ass up!"

My dad calls, pushing my bedroom door open with his foot. I squint at the sudden bright light and throw my pillow across my room to close the door. I groan and lean up, rubbing my eyes and stretching my arms. I unplug my phone and turn it on, once again shielding my eyes from the extreme light.

"No notifications.. figures"

I toss my phone aside and stand up, heading towards my bathroom. I brush my teeth and comb my messy brown hair back nearly, only for it to spring up in different directions again. I change my clothes into an old grey t-shirt, black jeans, and my navy sweatshirt that I got from a Minecraft convention three years ago. I grab my back pack off my chair near my desk and swing it over my shoulder. Last but not least I pick up my phone and shove it in my pocket, yawning one more time before heading downstairs for breakfast with my dad.

It's just me and my dad, since my mom passed away when I was five. He's tried his best to be the best dad I could ask for. He works three part time jobs, and still has time for movie nights and popcorn.

"Hey dad, good morning"

I say, grabbing an apple off the counter and taking a bite out of it. He looks up from his computer and smiles,

"Mornin' son"

I quickly finish my apple and toss the core in the trash. I grab my homework off the kitchen table and shove it in my backpack. On my way out the door to the bus stop I throw my old shoes on. I hop on the bus with barely any time to spare and take my seat in the back, pulling my phone out of my pocket and plugging my headphones in. Before I could even press play, someone walks up to me and slaps the phone out of my hand.

"What the-"

I stop talking when I see who it is

"Oh.. it's you Nick."

Nick raises his eyebrow and slides into the seat next to me.

"So, you ready to finally confess your feelings for a certain someone?"

I slap my hand over his mouth and glare at him.

"Hush dude! You know he doesn't feel the same way! He has a girl friend anyway.."

The bus comes to a halt at an all to familiar stop. The doors open as a boy with blond hair, green eyes, and light freckles hops on. He smiles and waves at all his friends then takes a seat next to a pretty girl in the front. I stare at him over the top of the seat and sigh.

Nick turns to me and says,

"Listen, I'm going to go say hi to Clay. You're welcome to come and let me introduce youuu."

He says, trailing the end of his sentence with a funny voice. I shake my head violently and sink back into the seat.

"Alright dude, your loss."

He stands up and heads to the front of the bus, nearly getting yelled at by the driver. I sigh and turn towards the window.

I wish I was as confident as Nick. He's known Clay since he was 12. I've known Clay since.. never. He's the captain of the football team, I'm the colorblind nerd. He's the guy with the pretty girlfriend and strait A's.. I'm just me. I appreciate Nick always wanting to help me, but I just want to curl up in a ball and go to sleep forever.

The bus comes to a halt and ripened its doors. I wait until all the teens are off the bus then hop off. I notice Nicks waiting for me, but he's not alone. Clay and his girlfriend Alyssa are there too..


He waves me over and says,

"Clay, this is George. The weirdo I'm always hanging out with."

Clay stretches his hand out to shake mine. I never knew he was so tall.. he like a whole foot taller than me. His green eyes literally sparkle in the sun.. and his freckles pop, which makes his face a gazilion times more handsome.

"Helllloooo?? Earth to George?"

I snap out of my daze and turn to Nick.


Nick was smiling as he nods his heads towards Clay, who had his hand still outstretched patiently. I awkwardly shake his hand, which sends shivers up my spine. As soon as I let go, his girlfriend slides her small hand into his and pulls him towards the school.

"Race ya!"

She yells to Nick. He turns to me with a sympathetic look and races after Clay and Alyssa, leaving me alone. I don't really mind being left alone if I'm being honest. I stick my hands in my pocket and head inside just in time for the bell to ring. I head to my first hour (Chemistry) and take my seat in the back left.

.~.~.~{TIME SKIP}~.~.~.

Schools finally out, which means I can stop by the library and get some homework done before heading home. I plop my school work down on an empty table and pull out my history, my least favorite subject. As I begin to start my studying, I feel eyes on my back. I turn around to see if I was being watched, but of course nobodies there.

It's just my imagination getting the better of me..

Chapter 1 E N D
Hope you enjoyed!
Word count: 1033

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