"Stupid idea," I shouted but Choro seemed to get the point.

"It's stupid but it'll give us a freaking awesome entrance," he grinned, "expansion jutsu!"

He grew in size, grabbing hold of me, Inoiché and Ryuzo. He tossed me forwards and I adjusted my position so that I wasn't going to crash miserably and threw my hands up, bringing up a wall of shadows. The spears that were being tossed down by the ten tails bounced off my shadow wall.

"Shikarei!" I heard someone shout and grinned. Yes. It's me.

My attack succeeded but I noticed I was getting just a bit too close to the floor.

"Uh-- Choro!" I shouted, the oversized red-head skidded in front of me and caught me.

"I got you," he grinned as he caught me.

"Yeah but your grip is way too tight," I coughed out.

"Sorry," he placed me on top of his shoulder before starting to cautiously move back.

"You good?" Inoiché asked.

"That was exhilarating," I grinned.

"Weird girl, you almost died," Ryuzo stared at me.

"But you like this weird girl," Inoiché leaned forward to see the dark-haired male on Choro's other shoulder.

"I will not deny that," Ryuzo shook his head, I stared at him before looking away, feeling just a slight burning on my cheeks before sliding down Choro's arm.

"Thanks for the lift, my friend," I patted him before walking over to where Naruto stood with his friends, "Guess what, Obito-- Ino Shika Cho, Ryuzo too, are here!"

"And you aren't getting past us!" Inoiché and Choro both grinned.

"Hey now... aren't you forgetting someone?" Ren dropped down between me and the now normal sized Choro.

"You're right, it's more like Ino Shika Ren Cho now," Choro smiled, "we had a pretty awesome entrance, right? Tell us it was cool."

"You're such a child," Ren shook his head, "but yeah and thanks for blocking. How's your chakra looking?"

Oh right. That took a lot of chakra, huh?

"Not too good," I chuckled awkwardly, "I'm going to store, you guys got this, defend the shinobi forces the best you can while Pa thinks up a strategy. I'm guessing that's what's up with his silence."

"We got it," Inoiché nodded as I backed up a bit and started collecting up my chakra again.

"Yes, Shikarei Nara, you blocked our attack before, but can you do it again?" I heard Obito shout down.


I looked up just in time to see millions of the spears coming down again.

"Multi shadow monster jutsu!" I called but it seemed that only one monster jumped out of the majority of peoples shadows, the rest didn't get one, "crap-- that's not good..."

I can't do anything. Shaking my head, I sighed.

"Protect the shinobi!" I called out.

The rain stopped and I looked around. So many people... so many have been injured or worse.

"Didn't you say you wouldn't let your comrades die, Naruto?!" Obito's voice caught my attention, and I looked over to Naruto to see him and Hinata on their knees, Neji Hyuga crumbled over Naruto with those wooden spears sticking out of him.

I felt my monsters all disappear; my chakra fluctuated weirdly before continuing to increase.

I honestly don't know what I can do right now. Naruto must've said that before we got here.

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