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Warning : suicide warning! Read only if you think you can!

Tyler's POV:

We were on the plane and Anna was passed out with both kids. She's my world as are the kids. Anna really is something.

" What you thinking about?" Jess said sitting beside me.

"About life."

" About life or about Anna?"

"Anna." I mumbled.

" What about her?"

"Everything. She's amazing."

" Yeah I can see that. I can see the way you look at her."

"She is so strong. I mean I told you about her when I was there. I found out that the person that was supposed to raise her didn't but instead beat her and raped her. So I tracked him down and had Jace do it. He found him late night and grabbed him. This morning I found Anna with a gun and she killed him without a second thought. She is so amazing. Yet she still manages to surprise me." I said.

"Damn." Was all she said. We both talked for a while about random things until we were about to land. So I woke up Anna and helped her get the kids in the car and we got in. She was wide awake now. She was looking out the window. After her talk with Isabella this morning she has been in a really bad mood. And if looks could kill we'd all be dead. I can't figure out what was wrong. It's driving me insane. She even gave Chase the death glare! She never does that! Ever!

Annabella's POV:

I was not in a good mood. After what Isabella said about the nightmare. All I want to do is kill the bastard. He hurt her so many times in so many different ways and it kills me to see her live in fear.

"We're here." I heard Tyler's voice say.  I grabbed Jack as Isabella was now awake it was that late only 3:30pm. We all went in and got settled. Once I was down unpacking I grabbed my laptop and started to search for him. To see if he was still in jail and when i seen he wasn't i was pissed. I decided I would ask Jace to help me track him down. I turnt my laptop off and walked downstairs. I went in search for Jace. When I found him he was in the kitchen.

"Hey Jace I have a favor to ask."

"What is it?"

"I need you to track down Adam Evan Foster. And when you find him kill him." I stated. He looked at me as if I'd grown to heads.

"Why? What'd he do to you?"

"Not to me but to Isabella. I know he's not in jail anymore so I need to track him down."

"Ok. So I'm guessing that's what the nightmare was about that Isa had was about him and that's why you look like you could kill someone right now?" He asked nervously laughing.

"Yes to both." I stated deadpanned. He nodded and walked away. I went upstairs and seen Tyler on the bed looking up at the ceiling. I crawled on the bed and laid on top of him. He seemed taken back by my actions.

"Sorry." I said.

"For what?" He asked looking at me.

"For being a bitch. Its just Isabella's birth father got out or broke out of jail and she's terrified. She had a nightmare about him coming back for her and that tipped me over the edge. He has hurt her so badly and i dint want to see her live in fear any longer so I went to Jace and asked him to do him and kill him." I sighed. And he looked at me.

"I understand." He stated. I curled up to his chest even more if that was even possible. He wrapped his arms securely around me.

" Where are the little ones?" I asked looking up to him.

"Chase and Jess have them." He chuckled.

"Ok." I laid my head back down. And drifted into sleep.

The next morning I woke up and bolted into the bathroom throwing up the contents in my stomach. When I was sure I was done I brushed my teeth. When I came out I realized that Tyler wasn't in bed. I opened the bedroom door and walked out. I went into the living room and sat down on the couch silently as the only person that noticed me was Jess. She smiled and I smiled back. My phone started vibrating in my pocket. I took it out to see Haylee's name pop up.

"Hello." I said.

"Hey. I wanted to apologise for being so distanced. My mom and dad wanted us to move but I refused so I moved in with my aunt and uncle."

"It's ok I get it. But are you ok? You don't sound to good."

"Yeah I'm fine I just was calling to say goodbye."

"What do you mean Haylee?!" I got up and ran upstairs grabbing Tyler's keys.

"I thought I could do this but I can't. I'm sorry." With that she hung up. I ran down the stairs and out the door opening the car door. I got in and started the car and drove as fast as I could to get to Haylee's place. Thankfully I knew where to look. When I got there I got out of the car running to the door. The door was open and I heard water running. I ran upstairs and into her bedroom. She was about to do it.

"Stop!" I said taking everything away from her. She started crying."It'll be ok. Talk to me!"

"Remember at the beginning of the year when I joined ROTC for a guy." I nodded. "He invited me to his place and when I got there everything was good but when I said I had to go he held me down to his bed and......he .....raped me." My blood started to boil.

"It's ok. I know how you feel. Thank you for calling me. I know that the pain Is unbarring at first but it will get better I promise." I siad. And she nodded.

"Is that an engagement ring?" She asked.

"Yeah it is. Tyler proposed and I was going to ask you to be a bridesmaid and help me plan the wedding. But we need to get you out of here. So go pack your suit case. And your nessities." She nodded and got up. I pulled out my phone and had alot if calls and texts from everyone. I called Tyler.

"Hello." He picked up after the first ring.

"Hey. Sorry for leaving so suddenly but something really important can up and when I come back I'll have Haylee with me. Can she stay at the wearhouse please?"

"Of course. I'm just glad your ok." Tyler said.

"All right I'll see you in a bit. I love you."

"I love you too princess." Tyler said chuckling. I hung up and she was done we made our way to Tyler's car and got in and drove off. 

Falling for the bad boy/COMPLETEDUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum