His Return

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Tyler's POV:

I can't believe that in a matter of months I've fallen for this girl so hard. Even when she's not around I still think about her. I was sitting by her hospital bed waiting for her to wake up. I called her parents and told them. They said they were on the way they just had to pack up the kids. After she fell asleep last night she still hasn't woken up. It worried me alot. The thought of losing her crushed me. I decided to text Chase and update him.

Me: Hey. She hasn't woken up yet. Her parents are on there way with the kids and I was wondering,could u bring me my work? 
After I sent the text I looked at her and sighed. I really hope she wakes up soon.

Chase: Hey. I'll be by later to visit her and you. And yeah I can, but since when do you care about school. But I have a hunch.....lmao. your whipped.😂

Although he was right he didn't need to know that.

Me: your lucky your my best friend bro. And thanks see u then.

Chase and I have been threw alot and we were each others anchor in a way. He is like my brother. I'd do anything her for him. We've both been threw hell and back but we always had each other and that was always enough. I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to someone jumping on me. I groaned. And slowly opened my eyes and seen Isabella.

" Hey babygirl." I said to her.

"Hi daddy." She paused. " Will mommy be okay?." She asked as a tear rolled down her cheek. I pulled her into my arms and kissed her forehead.

" Mommy is going to be just fine baby. She strong. Just like you." She smiled and cuddled into my chest. Her breathing slowly evened out. After about ten minutes.

" She fell asleep on you." Her dad chuckled and I joined him.

" Yeah I figured." I chuckled.  Her dad's phone rang and he had to go and so did her mom I told them I would watch the kids. They agreed and left. Jack was sleeping in his car seat and Isabella on me. I sighed. I got up and set her on the couch and covered her with her favorite blanket. About twenty minutes pasted and my phone buzzed.

Chase: On my way. Be there in ten.

Me: ok. Sounds good. 

I sighed and looked at her. I grabbed her hand.

" I don't know if you can hear me or not but please don't leave. I need you. I love you. Your kids need you. They love you. Just please come back to me." I didn't know if she could hear me or not but I didn't care I needed to tell her. I love her with every fiber in my body. I love her kids like their my own. I heard soft cry's from Jack so got up and went to his car seat and unbuckled him and picked him up and rocked him back and forth. Until his soft snores filled the room. I was determined to be a better father then my sperm donor. I heard the room door open.

" Hey Chase." I said as I turned around and it wasn't Chase. It was my sperm donor. " What the hell do you want?!" I stated pissed.

"Ho sentito che eri qui mentre stavo visitando tua madre. Ho deciso di fare un salto."( I heard you were here while I was visiting your mother. Decided to drop in.)He shrugged.

" Well leave because I don't need you here."

" Who's she?" He nodded towards Annabella.

" None of your business. Now leave!"

" Don't you dare disrespect your father."

"Non sei mio padre. Non sei mai stato e non sarai mai. Quindi vattene!" (Your not my father. You never have been and will never be. So leave!) I stated.

"Bene! Ma non venire a piangere da me quando hai bisogno di aiuto!" ( Fine! But don't come crying to me when you need help!)

"Non avrò mai bisogno del tuo aiuto!" ( I will never need your help!). With that he walked out. A few moments later Chase walked in and asked why I was so pissed. And I told him. He understood and he stayed for the rest of the weekend helping me with the kids until my little spitfire wakes up.

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