Meeting The Bad boy

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Annabella's POV:

"Mommy, wake up!" I heard Isabella calling. I open my eyes and see her huge smile.

" I'm up baby, what's up?" I asked her looking at the time. It was 4:30. " What are you doing up so early Belle?"

She smiled sweetly. " I wanted to say goodbye to you before you went back to school."

"Alright. Well then let's get up." I smiled back at my beautiful babygirl. I started to head downstairs and went into the nursery to see my little man even though he's not so little anymore. He's one and half already. Isabella is 7 years old. I walk over to his crib to see him still sleeping so I walked into the kitchen to see my dad. " Hey dad."

"Hey sweetheart. Before I forget do you mind if your mother and I take the kids house back riding?"

"Sure, just make sure they don't get hurt." He chuckled after I said this. I looked up at the clock and it was 5:00am.

"Want some breakfast?" He asked

" Sure." I replied politely. " When do you go back to work?"

" Not for another week but your mom is going to stay home with the kids and work from home."

"Ok. You guys do know I can hire a babysitter?." He just look at me while I ate like I had grown an extra head.

" That's nonsense." He chuckled and I joined in. We began eating in a comfortable silence. When I was down I headed upstairs to get ready for school. I took a shower. I went into my closet and decided on high waisted jeans and a tank top with flannel. I checked the time and it was 6:55 already. So I made sure I had everything and went downstairs. I didn't have to leave for another 15 mins. As I took the last step I heard soft cry's and went into the nursery and seen my little man waking up. I smiled and went over and picked him up and he calmed back down. Soon enough he was sleeping again and I had to go so I kissed my babies and said goodbye and grabbed my keys and started heading to school. When I got there I went into the office and got my schedule. I had almost all of my classes with my best friends which made me happy. I headed to my first period. When I walked in my friends and they looked up and ran up to me hugging me.

" Guys can't breathe." I say and they let me go.

" Sorry it's just been forever." I laughed at this.

" You both seen me Saturday." I said laughing.

" That's seems like ages though." Said Melody. We all laughed and took a seat. we sat down talking and they were talking about a guy and I wasn't really paying attention. Even though I have been here since I started to show that I was pregnant my grades were still straight A's.

"You ok Anna?" Haylee asked.

" Yeah, just thinking." I replied.

" Ok. By the way I joined JROTC this year." Haylee said. And I looked at her like she'd just grew a head.

" Would a guy have anything to do with that decision?"

" Why would you say that?"

" A. Because I know you and b. Because since whenever have you been interested in JROTC." She giggled.

" Busted!" Melody said while laughing. We soon joined in and the bell rang for second period. The day flew by but not without people whispering. I honestly didn't care what people thought of me. We were in lunch right now and all of a sudden I heard nothing.... silence and then I heard giggles. I turned to look at what they were looking at and it was a group of guys in leathers. I rolled my eyes and turned back around.

" Hey beautiful." I heard someone say from behind me and I didn't bother looking at who it was. Saying I didn't give a sh*t. The group of people in leathers sat down at our table and my best friends started giggling. I looked up and seen a guy and his group sitting down. I looked to my friends and there faces were bright red.

"And who are you?" I looked at the person next to me.

"I'm Tyler. You don't seem to know me. But I'm in a gang and we practically rule the school." I scoffed at his response and looked to my friends and they had wide eyes thet were screaming 'are you crazy'. Just then my phone started vibrating. My dad's name popped up. I picked it up and answered.

" Hello?" I said with fear coursing threw my veins.

" Hey babygirl. I just wanted to let you know that Isabella isn't feeling well and it's messing with her sugars so we are going to take her in." My dad said.

" Where are you guys right now?"

" We are at the hospital."

" I figured that but which one?"

" Memorial-"

" I'm on my way." I ended the call and got up and started to pack my bag back up.

" Where are you going Anna?" Haylee asked.

" To the hospital." With that I walked out. And ran to my car. I got in and headed to the hospital.

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