The Drive

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Annabella's POV:

I woke up to the beeping of my alarm. I turnt it off and got out of bed heading into the shower. Once I was done in the shower I decided to dress in comfortable clothing because I had a long drive ahead of me.


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After I got dressed I packed my bathroom stuff. I then grabbed my phone and it's charger and put it in my purse and went downstairs to make breakfast. I went into the kitchen and grabbed out a pan and started to cook. I decided to make pancakes,eggs, and bacon. By the time I was done it was 7:00am. I decided to go get Isabella and Chase so they can eat before we leave. Jack and my parents left an hour before us. I went upstairs and into the guest room that had turned into Chase's room whenever he stays the night. I walked over to his bed.

" Wake up Chase!" I started jumping on the bed. And he groaned.

"Go away Belle!"

" If you don't get up you get no fucking bacon!" I told him and he shot up in the bed.

" I'm up. Where the bacon?!" I giggled at his actions and got down from the bed.

"The kitchen. You've got to eat before we leave. By the way we leave in an hour and I suggest wearing comfortable clothing." With that I wakes out and went into Isabella's room. I opened the door and walked over to her bed and gently shook her.

" Wake up babygirl. There's food downstairs and we have to get ready to leave." I told her. Her eyes started to open. She yawned and said ok and went into her bathroom. I started heading downstairs and went back into the kitchen and started eating my food when both Chase and Isabella came down running into the kitchen. I laughed and gave them food.when I say they started scarfing down the food I mean that literally. After 20 minutes we were all done and heading out to the car. I locked the door and headed to my car. I put Isabella in and buckled her in and got into the front drivers seat. I put my seat belt on.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yes!" They both shouted in unison. I laughed and started the car. And pulled out of the driveway. I locked the gate and turned the second security. And got into the road. Once we were on the interstate. We were singing and after awhile they both pasted out and I was left to drive. I don't mind though because it give me time to think. Think about my life. And everything. I had told my besties that I was leaving so I didn't have to worry about that. After 3 hours of driving I had to stop for gas and Isabella and I had to use the bathroom so I locked Chase in the car and we went to the bathroom and grabbed snacks and drinks. After I put gas in the car I got back in. And we continued to drive until phone rang. I didn't bother looking at the caller ID.

"Hello." I said.

"Hey." I recognized the voice it was Tyler. I sighed and woke chase up and handed the phone to him and continued driving blocking out every thing. I looked over to chase after an hour and he was looking out the window. And Isabella was sleeping again.

"Chase. You good?" I asked. He sighed and nodded. "Don't give me that shit. Tell me what's wrong!" I stated.

"He didn't call to talk to me. He called to talk to you. And he was pretty fucking pissed and disappointed." He said still looking out the window.

"Hes the one that left remember. And what did he want?"

"He wanted to talk to you. He didn't say what about."

"Ok. I'll call him when we get to our destination and after we get settled in." I responded with a sigh. He nodded. I still missed him don't get me wrong but it's hurts. And it sucks because he's all I can fucking think about.

After driving all day and stopping for food occasionally and talking and singing and having fun we arrived in town. I went to the hotel that my dad owned. And we all went in and checked in. After we were all in our rooms I decided to go for a drive around my home town. It may be 2am yes but who cares. I got dressed. I walked out and locking the room behind me. I got in my car. And drove around. While looking around I noticed nothing has changed really. I decided to go to my favorite spot. The beach. I got out and sat in the sand. I was there almost all night and it was now 5:39am. I sighed and got up and went to my car and drove back. I didn't want to go to sleep because Chase and I had to go get registered for school today. I walked into the lobby and into the kitchen to grab a snack( the plus of having your dad own a hotel) my parents were cooking.

" Hey guys." I said.

" Where were you?" My dad asked.

" Had to get some air. So I decided to drive to the beach and time flew by. I'm sorry I should have said something." I looked at my watch and it was 6:03am.

" It's ok. Next time leave a note or something." My dad said. We both sat down and ate. A little while later Chase walked in with Jack and Isa. I walked to them and grabbed Jack.

" I was wondering who stole my babies " I joked and he laughed. We all sat back down and ate. After eating me and Chase had to go register our selves for school tomorrow. I went into my room and shower and got dressed. I put on jeans and a white shirt along with a leather jacket and ankle boots. I went to Chase's room and knocked.

" Hey. Question?" I asked

"Yeah?" He responded.

"Do you know how to drive a motorcycle?"

"Yes. Why?" He asked skeptical.

" Well get your leathers. And follow behind my bike. Meet me outside in ten." With that I walked away. I went outside and over to my bike. I grabbed the keys for both bikes and waited for chase. Once he came to me I threw him the keys to the other bike.

" If you hurt my bike I won't hesitate to cut your balls off." I warned. He threw his arms up in surrender. I laughed and we were off. When we were done with that we went back. And parked. He threw me the keys. And I threw them back.

"Keep them." He looked at me confused. " I don't know about you but this is how I plan to get to school and back.sooooo." he chuckled and put the keys and his pocket.

" You sure are sexy." He mumbled.

"What was that ?" I turned around messing with him. His face was priceless and I laughed and said kidding with that we went to bed before our first day tomorrow.

The mother of this writer is so proud of the author. She is awesome.

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