Chapter 13- The Only Exception

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Jeremiah was waiting for an answer from his beloved Bethany. He could tell she was still contemplating what happened, him going from icy and cold to him asking if she would marry him. A sleepy smile edged at her lips, and Jeremiah was soon hopeful, as he was prepared for the worst before.

Bethany blinked slowly, eyelashes complementing her vibrant green eyes unmasked by makeup. She bit a portion of her lower lip, and Jeremiah couldn't help but smile back.

"I think I'm going to go with..." she began, almost teasing Jeremiah. "Yes."

He let out the breath he was holding for what felt like a hundred years. He slipped the small gold ring on her finger and brushed a strand of her hair behind her ear and kissed her lips softly.

This is all Jeremiah really wanted. He wanted a love he was sure would last, and he found it. But suddenly, all he could think of was what happened at Benjamin's wedding over five years ago. He was so broken-hearted, and Jeremiah didn't know what to do when his best friend couldn't seem to put himself back together again.

He pushed the thought out of his head, and turned after a moment of thought to his fiancée.

"We should adopt a dog." He suggested.

"A dog. That's a good idea. Maybe we should get two, so the one doesn't get lonely."

"What breed of dog do you want?"

"I want a Dalmatian."

"How about a german shepherd?"

"One of each, since we're considering getting two, you know."

"What would we name them?"

"Butch and Cassidy."

"That has a nice ring to it. I like it!"

"Should we head to the pound tomorrow and see the doggies there?"

"After I finalize some tracks for the record and work out some tour dates, I'm free the rest of the day. How about we go to lunch and then adopt some puppies?"

"Sounds like a plan, Jeremiah, my super famous rock star fiancée."

"I'll come pick you up at lunch, future Mrs. Bethany Evans."


At rehearsal for the band, no one knew why Jeremiah was in such a good mood. Ben was the only one out of the other three who had a remote idea of what was going on, and he felt something he couldn't describe. It was mainly because he remembered how excited he was for his wedding until the wedding day when everything went wrong.

Ben will never forget it. He was happy for his best friend, yes, but he felt a pang in his chest from the part of him that was still hurt about it. He had already let go over it, but he still feels what it felt like. The memory and hatred may fade but the raw emotion never goes away.

TJ, the lead guitarist was trying to guess what was up with Jeremiah with Logan, the rhythm guitarist. The bassist, Ryan, was just happy Jeremiah was happy, as there had been so much negative energy in all of their lives, and it looked like things were looking up.

After lots of paperwork was settled, Jeremiah hopped in his car and headed to Bethany's house to pick her up. She was wearing her work clothes, because she had to go to The Atomic Bomb after they brought the puppies home. She always looked beautiful to him, no matter what.

It seemed to him that even with any amount of pressure on her shoulders, no matter how she was feeling, she always had sunbeams radiating from her face, making her look constantly lovely.

At the pound, Jeremiah went to talk to a volunteer about adopting and Bethany was already over with the puppies, playing with them and giving them lots of love and attention. She soon found a Dalmatian puppy that she absolutely adored, with spots all over its small white body, a tail that was half black and half white, with two black ears with small white patches.

"HONEY, I FOUND ONE!! THIS IS CASSIDY!!" She harshly whisper yelled to her fiancée, not wanting to scare the puppy.

"That's the one! You sure?"

"Positive, Jer."

Not long after, Jeremiah found Butch. As he had hoped, there were German Shepherds, and one was just right for him. The couple signed the adoption papers, got the necessary vaccines for the dogs and the supplies, and were happy. It may have been a big decision that was made and acted upon in just a few short hours, but it was one that was right for them.


Sorry this was a short chapter. I promise there will be much more after, lots of exciting things are gonna happen!! I just needed a filler chapter, really.

Stay tuned!

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