"Today's our 2 months anniversary but someone forgot." I said as I saw a pink shade on Beautiful Snow's face. "She's here to apologize to me and tell me that we aren't breaking up."

"Oh, Omi~" Mother squeals as I cringed a bit at her cheerful personality. I'm glad that I have my Father's composure. "Why would you break up with this beautiful lady? Shimotsuki-chan, you have pretty eyes. Did you get inherit them from your mother?"

My eyebrow twitched because Mother thought I was breaking up with Beautiful Snow. My mother's so optimistic and energetic today. But I'm glad she likes Beautiful Snow.

"Introductions, Yume-chan." Father reminded my mother as she hit realization.

"Ah! I'm sorry, where are my manners?" Mother chuckles nervously and tugged a hair strand behind her ear. "I'm Sakusa Tsuyume, you can call me Okasan or Tsuyume-san."

"My name's Sakusa Keisuke, Kiyoomi's Father." Beautiful Snow nodded and bow to them in her seat. I'm wondering if my Father's stern look has frightened her or not. But she seems okay.

"Sorry for the intrusion." I watched as Beautiful Snow dips her head down and knowing her, she'll switch to English in any minute. "I never imagined meeting Kiyo-kun's parents like this. But no, I was born with my Father's eyes." And there it is. Man, I love her English voice. She has a habit of switching from Japanese to English when she talks a lot or nervous, thinking everyone doesn't understand English.

"Oh sweetie," Mother waves her hand. "you don't have to be so shy around us. It's shocking to see my little Omi having a girlfriend. But how did you get my germophobic baby to fall in love a pretty girl like you?" I gave my mother a glare as Beautiful Snow chuckled softly. Mother will talk on and on about anything now. I want to spend alone time with Beautiful Snow.

"To be honest, I admired his skills in volleyball and I understand his germophobic ways because I wear a mask too to protect my skin from acne. I have a habit of touching my face." I lean on my right side on the armrest and rest my chin on my hand. I stared at her explaining to my parents about herself. It calms me down and I'm glad that Mother is into her story. Her eyes lighting up while Father had an amused look.

"That's interesting to hear, Shimotsuki-chan." Mother nods in understanding.

"Oh please, call me Miyuki." Mother smiled as she straightened up her posture on the couch.

"Well Miyuki," Father's stern voice cuts through the air as we all watch him. "you speak English fluently." I felt Beautiful Snow shift in her place as she nods in response.

"I apologize for speaking in English most of the time. I grew up in America before coming here in April to play volleyball here."

"Oh Miyuki-chan, you don't need to apologize at all." Mother waves her hand. "I think Omi should have someone who speaks 2 languages. Even so, you do have pretty legs and I love your natural face. Oh, Anata! She plays volleyball like Omi! Perfect!" Beautiful Snow blushed as she chuckles softly while I felt my ears burning up.

"Okay Mother, that's enough." I stand up and took Beautiful Snow's hand so she can stand up too, feeling a bit weird like butterflies are fluttering in my stomach as Mother giggles while leaning in to Father's arm. He showed a slight grin as I walked to the stairs. "I want to spend some time with Beautiful Snow."

"Beautiful Snow?" Mother looked up at Father and I, wanted nothing more than not hear Mother's squeals again but when she heard my nickname for Miyuki, she squealed again as I ran up the stairs with Miyuki right behind me. "AW!! Sakusa Kiyoomi! You already have a nickname for your girlfriend?!! Don't forget your boundaries, son! It's a bit too early for that kind of thing!!" I closed the door, which was evidently loud.

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