"Shino!" I yelled but to my immediate surprise, the giant frost wolf slid in front of Sinon to protect her.

The White Frost Beast snarled at the Dark Elf king and he was taken aback by its sudden change in loyalty.

"Oh, you're fucked now." Sinon instantly fabricated a razor sword and shield out of ice from her hands.

"Impossible! You stupid bitch!" Pixel shouted as I flew at him like a jet.

I swiped for his chest but he blocked it as the white wolf charged him. He punched it with his off hand and shattered Sinon's ice sword as she advanced. My ice queen didn't care and sent an intense shield punch to his face. The Dark Elf king stumbled backwards and tripped on the steps leading up to the throne. I sent my heel into his wrist and broke it, forcing away the grip he had on his sword. The two of us stood above him evilly as I stared with my dark hood over my head.

"May you never see the light again." Sinon spoke and on queue, the Frost Wolf pounced and tore out the throat of the Dark Elf king.

"May darkness be your tomb." I put my sword on my back as his body exploded into triangles.

The Frost Wolf suddenly looked back at us slowly and knelt like it was gonna pounce once more. I gripped my sword handle just in case, but Sinon grabbed my hand and shook her head. I hesitantly put my hands at my sides carefully and awaited its next move. Sinon slowly held her hand out and took a few steps forward to which the frost wolf began to sniff. In less than a second, it began continuously licking her hand. I let out a little laugh and she beckoned me forward without looking. I slowly walked forward and Sinon grabbed me by the wrist. She carefully put my hand out in front of it and it sniffed. The frost wolf even licked my hand but when I looked at my fingers, they were coated in frost.

"Woah!" I pulled my hand away and quickly ignited it to heat it up.

The wolf growled at the flame as I shook blood flow back into my hand.

"K!" Sinon warned.

I looked innocently at the giant white wolf and peacefully waved away my flame.

"Don't worry. No fire here." I put my hand on my hip and it looked at me with suspecting eyes.

A notification suddenly popped up in front of Sinon and she opened it quickly.

"It's Kirito. He says there's two other ice claws on the East and West side of the World Tree now. All of Alfheim worries for the loss of their light and the great Yggdrasil." She closed the message looked to me as fast as she could.

"We dealt with him, we need to get back there." Sinon took charge.

"Agreed. We'll fly as fast as we can back to the Bifrost and return at once." The two of us started to go but the white frost wolf barked and when we turned to look, it knelt down with its tongue happily out.

Sinon and I looked at each other with a smirk and off we went. Riding the back of a giant frost wolf, we galloped back across the ice bridge and returned to the Bifrost in record time. We walked the now friendly beast across the walkway of Alfheim's light and I pulled the sliding double doors apart once again. The giant wolf followed us thru and we set the Bifrost back to home. Out from the shadows we came and into Alfheim we returned as Sinon guided the white frost wolf as its driver. The beast ferociously galloped thru Yggdrasil city with haste as players and NPC's screamed in terror. We rode like the wind until we reached the very front of the great World Tree. To our surprise however, the giant ice claws had completely up and vanish. The original and all. Sinon pulled back gently on the frost wolfs fur and it came to a sliding stop.

"Where'd they go? I don't understand." Sinon spoke as we both looked in disbelief.

"You two saved the day! What more is there to understand?" Kirito spoke from behind us.

We turned around and the group greeted us with smiles.

"K!!" They all yelled.

"Daddy!" Athena flew at me as Sinon and I got off the giant white frost wolf.

"What am I, chopped liver?" My wife chuckled to herself as we all congregated together.

"Huh? Don't you already have a dog, Daddy?" Athena tilted her head.

"Actually, this one is my dog." Sinon smirked and pet its cheek.

"No way! You got your own giant wolf Sinon?! That's so freaking cool!!" Liz exclaimed.

"No kidding. It's like the same size as Fenrir." Leafa was the first to notice.

"Actually, I think this one's a bit smaller." Athena, who was an expert on Fenrir, commented promptly.

"Size isn't everything. Besides, this one has a white coat!" Asuna admired.

"I think white looks great on her!" Athena giggled.

"Her??" Everyone asked.

"How do you know it's a her, Athena?" I wondered.

"Huh? What do you mean, Daddy? I just checked the-"

"Okay!! I understand now!" I covered my eyes as she tried to point.

"That's why she rushed to defend me! She was protecting another female!" Sinon realized.

"Oh yeah!!" I also clued in.

The group of us suddenly heard a distant bark and from behind us Fenrir came running. Once he saw the obvious other giant wolf, he slowed to a trot and tilted his head. He walked up confused as the light blue glowing eyed frost wolf glared at him seriously.

"Wow, this is really something." Leafa was eager to see them meet.

"Fenrir, this is Skoll." I introduced them.

"Skoll?" Sinon sounded off put by that name.

"Who's Skoll?" Liz asked.

"Do you guys really not know that already? God, it's like I'm speaking dragon." I shook my head just as the frost wolf suddenly snarled.

Fenrir sniffed closer and backed away as Skoll barked. Fenrir got spooked and sprinted back thru the Yggdrasil city streets. The frost wolf, Skoll chased him as fast as she could and the lot of us gasped.

"Wait, Fenrir!" I yelled and flew after them.

"Skoll! Come back!" Sinon screamed as we all took to the skies in search for them.

The chaotic trail they were leaving was impossible not to spot as they trampled some NPCs and broke decorations hanging on buildings.

"Oh gosh, we're so sorry!" Sinon called down to the people and I had a good laugh.

The others understood the lighthearted nature of our situation and we all broke out in laughter together as we flew in pursuit. A memory was not only born that day but another victory was truly achieved in saving Alfheim for the better. Our light outshone any impeding dark and we thought nothing could stand in our way. Little did we know, something far worse than we could ever imagine was lurking even further beyond. Something... Apocalyptic.

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