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"You did what?" Maeve exclaimed at me in utter disbelief.
"I know, it just happened all so fast. I didn't have time to react."
"After the massive amount of time it took you to even move on in the slightest, you let him come crashing back into your life."
"Nope, stop talking, chic. Did you seem to forget that he cheated on you?"
I couldn't find the words to respond. Maeve was right, I had let him back in and now I'm right where he wants me.
"I love you, Jess, but that was a really stupid thing to do; without protection either."
"I took the pill after he left last night."
"So, what are you going to do?"
"I honestly have no idea."
"Wrong! You tell him yesterday was a mistake and block his number."
"That's harsh."
"Not really, Jess. Again, you seem to forget that he's the one who cheated."
Sighing, I facepalm. "Maybe he's changed, Maeve."
Laughing, she says, "I'll believe that when pigs fly."
"There's no way of knowing unless I give him another chance. Everyone deserves a second chance."
"Everyone isn't him, Jess. However, if you want to take him back, I'll support you no matter what. But, don't say I didn't warn you."
Smiling meekly, I get up and grab our mugs off the table  and place them in the sink. I took a look at the clock and saw it was almost noon and I wasn't even close to ready for lunch with that Nick guy.
"I have to leave here soon, Maeve, but feel free to hang around for a bit. We can spend the rest of the day together before I have to go into work tonight."
"Sounds good to me, chic," she stated as she walked in to the living room to watch the tele.

Walking into my room I quickly grab some skinny jeans, black tank, leather jacket, and converse. Changing out of my pjs, I head to the bathroom and put some dry shampoo through my hair.
Grabbing my bag, I shout a quick goodbye to Maeve and head to the pub to meet up with Nick.


Nick's POV

I sat, nervously waiting for Jess to arrive. Why am I so nervous? I ask myself. It wasn't like this was a date or anything, just an apology meal.
Looking out the window, I noticed her walking up to the building. As soon as she was inside, I stood up. "Hey, Jessica."
"Hi," she said back, with a faint smile.

We both sat down and I was the only one to look at the menu. "I'm guessing you already know what you want?" I ask, a nervous tone seeping through.
Awkwardly, she stated, "I'm not that hungry, but I also know the menu by heart now."
"Ah, right, I forgot; you work here."
I mentally facepalmed myself as she frowned a bit and looked away. Thankfully, a waiter walked over to filter out the awkward air surrounding our table.
"Hey, Jess, what d'you want to drink?"
"Hey, Ollie. I'll just have a water."
"Alright, and what about you, sir?"
"Um, the same."
Walking away, the awkwardness slowly sank back in.
"Are you okay? You seem really nervous."
Shit, she noticed. "Um, yeah, I'm sorry. I just haven't really hung out with anyone new in a while."
Nodding, she replied, "Well, don't be nervous, you're fine. If I'm being quite honest, I haven't really hung with anyone new in a while, too."
My nerves calming down a bit, we actually start making conversation.
"So, what do you do?" She asked me.
"Um, well, as of right now, I'm studying film at university while working retail. What about you, are you at uni as well?"
"That's cool, and no, I'm not. Uni was never an option for me. I love writing though. I've written a few things, but nothing's ever been completed or came to fruition."
"That's really cool. Is it hard to find inspiration?"
"Yeah, it is. I constantly get writer's block, so I never end up finishing anything."


Jessica's POV

Without even realizing it, we had been lost in conversation for nearly 3 hours. When I took notice of the time, I knew I had to get going.
"Well, thank you so much for lunch, Nick. I have to get going. I promised to hang out with a friend of mine and I have work in a few hours."
"No problem. Before you leave, though, I was wondering if would you like to swap numbers? I'd really like to hang out with you again."
"Oh, um, sure."
Typing his number into my phone, I send a quick text for him to add my number in his, as well. Once that was done, we said our goodbyes and I headed home.

On my way home from work that evening, I couldn't help but think back to how nervous Nick was. It was kind of adorable to see a guy get so nervous over nothing.
While lost in thought, I heard someone call my name as I reached my flat. Turning around, I see Aaron and my heart twinges. Any thought I had previously was wiped from existence in that very moment.
"Hey, Aaron. I'm actually glad you're here, because we need to talk."
"You're so sexy when you get all serious, you know that?" Aaron says, dodging the subject and immediately began groping my hips, his lips kissing my neck as I unlocked my door.
Walking inside, I pull away. "We really need to talk before this goes any further."
"What about, darling?"
Sighing, I proceed. "About us. About what this is between us. I'm confused, Aaron. You cheat on me, and all of a sudden you're saying you love me? You don't cheat on someone you love."
"I made a mistake, Jess. What happened between that girl and I meant nothing. The only girl I want is you."
He locked onto my eyes as he said that and just like that I had lost all resolve. Closing my eyes, I hug him and hold back tears as I say to him, "Please don't hurt me again, Aaron."
"I won't, Princess. I promise."
Letting out a sigh of relief, I pulled away, just enough, to look up at him. He gently brushed the stray hairs out of my face, leaned down, and kissed me. The kiss became heated, and he quickly lifted me up in his arms. My legs wrapped around his waist, and off to my room we went.

Waking up, I'm cuddled up next to Aaron. The sheets on my bed were completely mussed around after the night him and I had.
I slowly got up, as not to wake him, to get my clothes back on.
Heading to the kitchen, I begin to throw a quick breakfast together. Half an hour later, while eating, Aaron comes out. I smile at him, but it soon fades as I take notice of a scowl on his face. "What's wrong?"
Walking over he tosses me my phone and exclaims "Who is he?"
"Who's who, Aaron?" I ask, confused.
Sneering, he continues. "Some guy, named Nick, texted your phone. So tell me, who is he?"
"Babe, he's just a guy I met while at work. We're just friends."
"Yeah, no, you need to cut contact with him now."
Getting angry, he walks over and snatched my phone from me; smashing it against the ground.
"What the fuck, Aaron!"
Turning around, he moves towards me in one swift motion and pushed me up against the table. Gripping on to my hair, I scream out in agony.
"When I tell you to do something, you do it. Understand?"
My heart began to quicken and I felt extremely lightheaded. It felt like the world was spinning and slowly getting darker.

"You killed her!"
"Dad, please! Don't hurt me!"

Crying and shivering in fear, I barely get out my next words. "Y-yes, I-I-I understand. Now p-p-please don't hurt me."
Letting go of my hair, he tosses me to the ground and walks away as I'm sobbing, hysterically.

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