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Jessica's POV

Laying in bed, I thought about how I rudely brushed Nick off this morning and I felt horrible. I curl under my covers and pull my blanket closer and begin to cry. I'm worthless, I thought to myself; only making me cry harder. The tears kept flowing - pouring down my face like a waterfall. My heart ached, and I cried louder and harder until finally I go numb to all of it. Breathing hard, I feel exhausted and before I know it, I had fallen asleep.

Nick's POV

Sitting at the pub, I couldn't help but just drink the feelings I have right now away. I know in my heart something isn't right with Jess, but I feel absolutely powerless in helping. It's an invisible obstacle. How am I supposed to help with something I can't see or touch. I'm on my 4th beer, when I see him walk — no, stumble — through the door.

"I'll have a whiskey neat," he says, stumbling over his words.

Clenching my fists, I take a big sip of my drink to keep me from saying something. I much prefer him to be oblivious to the fact that I'm here. Once I finish, I pay the bartender and walk out.

I need to see her, I think to myself. But I change my mind, as I don't want to push her. She might just need some space.

After pushing the thought of going to see her out of my head, I start on my way back home.

Kate's POV

After the altercation I had with Nick and that slag, whatever her name is — I don't really care what her name is — I'm on my way home when I bump into a guy who is completely wasted. I go to walk around him but he grabs ahold of me.

"Jess?" He questions, looking at me with confused and bewildered eyes. "Is- is that you? I've missed you, so much... Wh- why did you leave me? After everything-"

"Mate, I don't know who Jess is, but she's not me."

"Oh.." he says, taking a pause. Thinking he wasn't going to say anything else, I try to walk away but he grabs me again.

"Do you know, Jess? Or- or have you seen her? This is a picture of her. Please. I need to find her." He's slurring his words but I can just make out what he said. Looking at the picture he has pulled up on his phone, a knowing smirk comes across my face.

"No, I haven't, but I can keep a look out for her for you. Let me get your number."

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