55). The New Headmistress

Start from the beginning

"Oh, no thank you, Minerva," Umbridge said. "Actually, I was wondering if Potter, and at the moment, your children, Addison, have the proper temperament to be an Auror."

Addison shot another look at her

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Addison shot another look at her. "Were you indeed?" She turned back to me and reviewed the parchment and another in front of her with Professor McGonagall.

"If you're serious about this ambition along with the Lovegoods, Potter," McGonagall began. "I would recommend concentrating on bringing up your Potions and Charms grade up before your O.W.L.s. Y/N and Lana have brought them already, and I daresay you all have enough time if you apply yourself."

"You, Y/N and Lana have done remarkably well in DATDA," Addison said. "Despite the nature of previous teachers such as Professors Quirrell, Lockhart, Lupin and Moody, or should I mean to say, Barty Crouch Jr --"

"Excuse me, Addison--" Umbridge began

"That is Professor Lovegood to you, Dolores," McGonagall said to her.

"But have you seen my note on Potter and the Lovegood's current grades in my class?"

"I have, Dolores," Addison said.

"Then I think you will find that Potter and the Lovegood's grades have been consistently poor this year."

"That is true," Addison said. "However, I looked into your student's grades. They are just the same as Harry's and my children. Either they don't study enough... or their teacher hasn't been teaching how they are supposed to."

"And may I add," McGonagall said. "Potter and the Lovegoods have done well in every DATA class taught by a competent teacher."

I agree, Lockhart had taught us more than she could.

And all he talked about was himself.

"Now assuming you've passed all of your necessary classes," McGonagall continued. "The Ministry will put you through a number of character and aptitude tests."

"What's involved with them?" I asked.

"How you stand under pressure," Addison said. "As well as perseverance and dedication to things of this nature."

Then Umbridge stood up quickly. "Harry Potter, Y/N Lovegood and Lana Lovegood have no chance of ever becoming an Auror!"

McGonagall stood up just as fast and locked her eyes with hers. "I will assist Potter and the Lovegoods if it's the last thing I do! I will coach you nightly in order to get the necessary grades!"

Addison also turned her head at Umbridge. "Dolores..." She said coldly. "You're dismissed to your classroom."

"And why should I?" Umbridge beckoned.

Addison's right eye glowed at her. "I am the Headmistress of this school!" She shouted. "Not you! If Harry or my children want to become Aurors, they will have that chance! I don't care whether or not you are the High Inquisitor of this school, you are not going to interfere with the education of the students in this school! Is that understood!"

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