Chapter 6: Three-Headed Dogs before the 19th

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Lana POV

After the revelation that both our parents were star Quidditch players, we decided to make our way towards our common rooms.

"I'm telling you, it's spooky. She knows more about you than you do." I heard Ron tell the other boys.

"I mean, it is reasonable that Hermione knows. Harry is famous here, anyone would know about him since he was kept in the dark by those Muggles you don't like right?" Y/N said.

Hermione paid no heed to the boys as she was in her own mind while walking up the stairs. Speaking of said stairs, they now took it upon themselves to change direction with no warning. The five of us each held onto the railing hanging on for dear life.

As Ron yelled in fear, Harry shouted, "What's happening?"

"The Stairs change, remember!" Hermione said as I remembered that the Ravenclaw Prefect said the same thing on our first day.

The stairs turned to another floor and led up to another corridor. "Let's go this way!" Harry called out to us. "Before the staircase moves again!"

The five of us walked up the stairs and found ourselves in a very dark corridor, Very quiet, very spooky.

Before I could speak, someone else among us spoke up.

"Does anyone feel like... we shouldn't be here?" Harry spoke with an ounce of fear in his voice.

"We aren't, It's the third floor corridor." I said. "Dumbledore said it was forbidden."

"No one is allowed up here unless they want a most painful death." Y/N said, quoting the words of the half moon-spectacled man. Suddenly a creature came out of the corner with a flame above its head. As the creature came into focus, we started to panic when it made an all too familiar meow.

 As the creature came into focus, we started to panic when it made an all too familiar meow

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"It's Filch's cat!" Ron cried out. "Run!"

"Quick! Let's hide through that door!" Harry said as he pointed to the mysterious door near us.

As he grabbed the handle and tried to turn it, it didn't even budge.

"It's locked!" He deduced. "That's it, we're done for!" Ron cried out in fear that we would be caught by the cat and even worse, it's bald and scary owner.

"Oh, move over!" Hermione and I said to the other boys, aiming our wands towards the lock and muttered. "Alohomora."

The door's lock lifted up and opened up magically through the use of a single spell. "Alohomora?" Ron questioned us.

"It's a standard lock-picking spell, Chapter 7 of Standard book of spells." Y/N answers.

As we entered the room, the door locked behind us. Before all of us went in the room, Filch came out of the corner with Ms. Norris, but we got in before he could see us.

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