Chapter 11: The Forbidden Forest

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Harry POV

'Malfoy saw the dragon.' I thought to myself. 'Oh my god.'

We were quickly leaving Hagrid's hut, in a hurry as we were astonished at what had happened. How did Draco even get down there this late? He doesn't have an Invisibility Cloak, how did he slip by Filch?

"Hagrid's always wanted a dragon." I told the others as we entered a corridor. "He told me so the first time I met him."

"It's crazy." Ron continued. "And worse, Malfoy knows."

"I don't understand. Is that bad?"

Y/N stared at me with a look of discontent on his face as he facepalmed. "Harry, it's more than bad. If Malfoy knows and goes off to snitch, you know who he'd go to first? His father, Lucius Malfoy."

"He has always had a habit of calling his father into everything." Lana said. "Always going off saying, 'Wait till my father hears about this!' or some crap. It's so annoying."

"Good evening." A voice said from behind us, startling all of us as we turned to see Professor McGonagall, who held a stern look in her eyes as Malfoy stood behind her, smirking.

"You little snitch!" Y/N said as Hermione glared her eyes at Malfoy, who smirked once more and rolled his eyes.

"Nothing, I repeat, nothing gives a student the right to walk about the school at night." The Professor said with an equally stern voice. "Therefore, as a punishment for your actions, 50 points will be taken."

"50?!" I whisper-shouted.

"Each." She said, earning a gasp from us all, excluding Malfoy. "And to ensure it doesn't happen again, all six of you will receive detention."

Malfoy looked extremely pleased with himself but that quickly turned to a look of confusion.

"Excuse me, Professor." He said in a polite tone, which would probably be the only time we would hear it like that. "Perhaps I heard you wrong. I thought you said.. 'the six of us'. "

"No, you heard me correctly, Mr.Malfoy." McGonagall said with a straight face. "You see, as honorable as your intentions were, you too were out of bed after hours. You will serve detention with your classmates."

Draco sighed while we all grinned, except for Y/N who smirked like Draco did just moments ago.

"Now, all of you, to bed now." Professor McGonagall said. "Except for the Lovegood twins."

Ron, Hermione and I turned around as Y/N and Lana went back to McGonagall. Before they went, Hermione walked to them and gave them each a hug and then went back with us. As we entered our Common Room, Hermione sat on the couch and told us that she was gonna wait for Y/N to come back while Ron and I went to our dorms to think about what just happened. Losing Gryffindor 200 points all in one night? Hopefully no one would ask how.


Professor McGonagall led us back into her office where she stood in front of us. We were quite confused why she held us back, she did just tell us off for being outside after hours, what was she going to do?

After a moment of prolonged silence, Professor McGonagall broke it with just a single sentence.

"You both remind me of your mother and father so much."

"Wait, Professor, you knew our parents?" Lana asked the elderly witch.

"Of course I knew your parents, Lana!" McGonagall said with a slight smile. I was actually surprised that she referred to Lana by her first name, not Miss Lovegood. "Even though they were in Ravenclaw house, such as yourself, they were excellent students and good friends with James Potter and Lily Potter at the time."

The Lovegood Of Gryffindor  (Hermione X Male Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें