Chapter 12: Through The Trapdoor

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The five of us were getting ready to take our exams. It has been a while since Harry and I were attacked physically and mentally by supposedly Lord Voldemort, but honestly, I don't know what could kill me at this point, Voldemort or these damn exams.

True to Hermione and Lana's word, we were given Anti-Cheating quills for written exams (I wasn't gonna cheat anyway, Ron might try to though.) and of course, practical exams too. Professor Filtwick called us to see if we could make a pineapple dance across a desk, Professor McGonagall watched us turn a mouse into a snuffbox and Snape, being the obvious creep he is, watched us try to make a Forgetfulness Potion. I did the first two perfectly from the Professor's comments, while Snape just looked in my cauldron, huffed and went on to look at others.

The last exam with History of Magic, which was honestly the least looked forward for all the students since all the questions were about old wizards and some other stuff in the wizarding world. As Professor Binns told us to put down our quills and roll our parchment, I felt the need to cheer, which was what all the other students were doing.

"That was far easier than I thought." said Hermione as the five of us left the classroom to go toward the Black Lake. "I needn't have learned about the 1637 Werewolf Code of Conduct or the uprising of Elfric the Eager."

"Can we please not talk about the bloody exam?" Ron asked. "It makes me ill to know I didn't answer right."

"Oh, alright then." Lana said. "Hey, Y/N, what did Snape think of your potion for the exam?"

"I said don't!" Ron whined.

"You implied the history exam, not the others, Ron." I said. "The man just huffed and walked away."

As we made it to the Lake, we found the Weasleys twins and Lee Jordan trying to tickle the squid's tentacles while we sat by the trees. Ron and Harry sat by one tree, happily stretching their legs on the grass. Lana and Hermione sat by the other tree while I laid on the grass in between Harry and Hermione.

"No more studying!" Ron sighed with a smile. "You should look more cheerful, Harry, we've got a week before we find out how badly we've done, there's no need to worry yet." Harry began to rub his forehead, he's been doing that ever since the forest.

"I wish I knew what this means!" Harry yelled. "My scar keeps hurting-it's happened before, but never as often as this."

"Go to Madam Pomfrey." Lana and I suggested in unison.

"I'm not ill!" He continued. "I think it's a warning... it means danger's coming."

"Harry, relax, Hermione's right, the Stone's safe as long as Dumbledore's around." Ron said. "Anyway, we've never had any proof Snape found out how to get past Fluffy. He nearly had his leg ripped off once, he's not gonna try it again in a hurry."

Harry still tried to explain the feeling that he was to us, but we just kept trying to tell him to ignore it. Midway, I zoned out to think about it as well. Hagrid said that only he and Dumbledore were the only ones that know how to get past Fluffy. Unless...

My eyes widened at what I had realized. "Lana, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Yeah, but if I'm not, I'm always reading your mind." Lana said as she looked at me.

Harry had realized the same thing and hopped to his feet. Ron stared at the three of us with visible confusion as he had just woken up. "Where're you going?" He asked.

"I've just thought of something." A shocked Harry said. "We've got to go and see Hagrid, now!"

The rest of us got up from the trees and walked behind Harry towards Hagrid's hut. "Why?" Hermione asked as she hurried to keep up next to me.

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