Chapter 21: Who is Tom Riddle / Petrified

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I woke up the next day feeling refreshed after last night. I was about to get up from the bed before I felt some pressure on my chest. I looked down to find one Hermione Granger resting there, still asleep comfortably and hugging my body. I didn't mind that she was resting on top of me, she was still asleep and I didn't want her to accidentally wake up. I honestly don't know what would happen if I accidentally woke her up, so I just stayed there, waiting for the bushy-haired girl to rise from her slumber. And eventually she did.

"Morning, Hermione." I said as she raised her head from my chest.

"Morning, Y/N." She said with a small tired smile as she sat up. "I have to stay here right? I still have a tail."

"Unfortunately, you do, Mione." I said with a sad expression as I sat up and got out of the bed . "But I'll come to visit you to give you the work you missed and to talk, okay?"

Hermione looked at me with an equal look of sadness, but she still smiled. "Yeah, I'd like that, Y/N." Hermione said. "Hope you all have fun today."

"It won't be the same without you, 'Mione." I replied as I hugged her tightly and kissed her forehead. "I'll see you soon."

"You too." She said as she hugged me back very tightly.


I walked back to the Gryffindor Common Room alone as Hermione was still in the hospital wing for her tail and the hairballs to go away. I mumbled the password to the Fat Lady, who told me to say it properly and opened the entrance open to see Harry and Ron on the couch waiting for me. Ron looked at me and asked, "Where were you last night?"

"With Hermione." I said subtly.

"Wait..." Harry said. "You spent the night with her?"

"I mean, she asked me to stay with her. She didn't want to be alone there."

Ron smirked at me. "Well, I bet you both want to get closer."

"What was that, Ron?" I asked.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing."

"Okay, then."

"When do you reckon she'll be with us again?" Harry asked.

"Madam Pomfrey said she'll be out in a couple of days. She's still coughing hairballs. I'm still gonna visit her to talk and to give her the work she missed. She'll be here sooner than we think."

~Timeskip a couple days later~

Hermione was in her last day at the hospital wing. I came everyday to give her the work she missed, teach her what every professor taught us and just for general talk. She was still excelling at every spell, just as always. I'm proud of her. We said our goodbyes, hugged and I joined back up with Harry, Ron and Lana.

"Only one day now." I said to them. "Then she'll be back with us."

"That's good!" Harry said while Ron and Lana agreed. "Hey, what's that?" He pointed at a puddle coming from none other than Moaning Myrtle's bathroom. As we entered, Myrtle's shrill voice rang out.

"Oooh, ooooh, ooooh, huh-huh." She wailed. 'Come to throw something at me?"

'Why would we throw something at you?" Lana asked the ghost.

"Don't ask me! Here I am, minding my own business, and someone thinks it's funny to throw a book at me."

"But, it can't hurt if something throws something at you." Ron said. "I mean, it'll just go right through you." I smacked him in the back of his head. "Isn't that offensive to ghosts?" I asked him.

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