Chapter 11

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When I knew the turtles weren't watching me I went back to Karai.

"Did it work?" She asked.

"Yep, they think I'm gonna join them once I 'remember'" I used quotation marks on remember.

"Great, now we must inform Father," she said. I agreed and we returned to our lair.

Once we informed Father of our plan, he told Bradford and Xever to tie me up and take me to the tallest building we could find.

The stupid dog and fish thought they'd get a laugh out of seeing me hang upside down from the side of the building. They were gonna get it as soon as this is over. My mouth was gaged shut.

Karai was to take a picture and send it to April O'neil. Once she did the turtles would come to my rescue, but we'll get attack them as soon as they get here.


Aprils POV

I ran through the sewers to the lair. Some random number sent me a photo of Victoria, tied up and gagged.

"Guys, come quick!" I yelled when I entered the lair.

The turtles and Jorge came running.

"What is it April?" Donnie asked.

"Look, someone sent me this," I showed them the photo.

"We have to go get her!" Raph yelled taking out his sais. I thought it was sweet he still cared for her.

"Wait, this could be a trap," Leo said.

"So we're not gonna do anything?" Jorge spoke up,"I don't know about you, but I'm going." He started to walk out.

Raph laughed, "you're gonna get yourself killed."

"I don't care, at least I tried to help her," Jorge said.

"Come on Leo," I said," we need to help her. Maybe she's changed?"

"Fine" Leo said,"Jorge! Come on you can ride in the shell raiser with us."

We piled into the shell raiser and drove out. We parked in an ally by the building Victoria was at.

"Ok, Jorge, stay here and guard the shell raiser. We might need to make a quick escape," Leo said. I was happy he didn't make me stay.

We climbed up the fire escape to the rooftop. We saw Fishface, Dogpound, and Karai. Victoria's face was blood red from the blood rushing to her head.

"Karai!" Leo said,"let her go!"

"Gladly," Karai cut the rope.

Victoria fell. We watched in horror as she neared the road. Out of nowhere Raph caught her!

"I got ya!" He said. Victoria look surprised and angry at the same time.

Raph brought Victoria back up to the roof. Untied her and she pulled the gag rag off.

"What the hell! Karai that wasn't planned!" She yelled at Karai, who shrugged.

"Wait plan?" I asked. Victoria got a wicked smirk on her face. Then took out her katana and swung at Raph. Luckily, he blocked her attack in time.

"Did you really think I would believe your lies?" She asked.

Soon the rest of her gang lunged at us. Oh, shell...


Raph's POV

I watched Karai cut the rope holding Victoria up. I ran and caught her just in time. When I brought her back up and untied her, she turned to Karai.

"What the hell! Kara that wasn't planned!" Victoria yelled. Karai shrugged her shoulders.

"Wait plan?" April said. Victoria smirked.

Then she pulled out her katana and swung at me! I blocked it.

"Did you really think I would believe your lies?" She asked me. I felt crushed. Why would she do that?

The rest of her 'team' started attacking. Leo took on Karai, Mikey was against Dogpound, while April and Donnie took Fishface.

I jumped out of the way as Victoria tried to drop onto me. We fought for a while. I tried my best to not let her win, but at the same time I tried not to hurt her.

"Victoria! Listen remember all those times we spent together! Think about the song you were singing! Your easily the coolest girl I've met!"

"Hey!" April shouted as she dodged Fishface.

I ignored her,"You're the most skilled person I've met! Plus, ya can sing like ya were meant to!"

She stopped and looked at me. Then, said,"Now I know your lying, because I can't sing! I've never could!" She threw a fire ball at me.

I tried to jump out of the way. When I couldn't I looked down. Victoria had frozen my feet in place! The fire ball knocked me back into the fire escape on the next building.

Slowly, I got up and saw Victoria. For some reason she looked sad, a tear ran down her face. She ran to the side of the building and jumped down. Using her fire teleporting to teleport to the ground safely. Then she hopped onto her motorcycle and sped off.

The guys and April came over to me. The rest of Shredder's henchmen left.

"Are you ok?" April asked me. I nodded and winced when I tried to get up.

"Call Jorge, Mikey." Leo said.

"Will do," Mikey took out his t-phone.

"Is she gone?" I asked, even though I knew the answer.

"Yeah, sorry,"Donnie said. I stayed silent.

The shell raiser pulled up. Leo and Donnie helped me onto it. I sat down and stared at the floor.

"I saw her," Jorge said,"she sped by and looked at me while I was waiting outside. She didn't stop, her eyes were red."

"Come on guys, let's go home," Leo said driving away.


Bikutoria's POV

I stared in horror at what I had done. Raph landed on the fire escape from the building next to us.

What did I do? I felt sad and depressed. A tear ran down my face as I stared into his eyes.

Without thinking I ran and jumped off the building. As I got near the ground I teleported to the ground. I hoped onto my motorcycle and sped off.

As I drove I saw a teenage Mexican boy by the turtle's vehicle. I looked into his eyes and he looked back at me. Why did he look familiar?

I drove until I got to Central Park. I parked my bike and sat by the lake. Not thinking, or doing anything. I didn't know why I felt so sad. They attacked me, and put me in a coma.

3rd person POV

Victoria sat by the small lake. She had started to fight off the brain chip. But the small memory she remembered of singing wasn't enough. The anger and thought of revenge soon took over again.

Fire and Ice (TMNT FanFic book 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें