Chapter 7

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Raph's POV

Leo, Mikey, and I got separated from the rest of the group. We were back in New York. Thanks to Leo.

"This is your fault Leo! If you..". I was caught off by another earthquake.

"Come on, we got to find out the source of these quakes!" Leo said. We started to run through the ally. Out of nowhere a mutant tiger jumps in our way.

"Who the heck is that?" I asked.

"You may call me Tiger Claw," he said. I took out my sais.

"I knew it it! I was totally gonna call him that!" Mikey yells.

"I ask only once, summon your rat master!" Tiger Claw demanded taking out a gun.

"Sorry, pal. I'm not a cat person." I said, he shot and I jumped out of the way.

We attacked, but he shot us out of the way. Then he took out another gun. This one froze things it hit.

"We gotta get to high ground!" I yelled and we climbed up. The stupid cat had a jet pack and went after us.

When we got to the roof a girl figure stood in our way. I almost dropped my sais when she stepped towards us.

"Victoria?" I asked.

"I don't know who you are are talking about, but I do know that you are gonna pay for what you turtles have done!" Victoria yelled, she took out her katana and lunged at us. Leo blocked her attack. I was shocked, but remembered Tiger Claw. He flew up and shot at us.

"Why are you doing this, Victoria?" Leo asked as she kicked him back.

"The name's Bikutoria, and all I know is that you and your rat master must pay for hurting me and my family!" She lunged at him again. I was going after Tiger Claw.

Tiger Claw loaded a different gun and aimed at me, he shot and a rope wrapped itself around me. I flew back and landed face down behind Leo.

Victoria put her foot on my shell.

"Victoria, it's me Raphael!" I tried to tell her. She put pressure on her foot.

"Summon you rat master!" Tiger Claw said picking up Mikey," or the little one goes int the furnace."

"Don't do it Leo!" Mikey cried out.

"It's a trap for Splinter!" I yelled.

"Silence!" Victoria said.

"I know it's a trap for Splinter!" Leo said. Then hesitated...


3rd person POV

Splinter was meditating when his phone went off.

"The Cheese Phone!" Splinter said,"truly, must be an emergency!"

He got up and walked over a cheese shaped phone in a glass case. He opened the case and answered.

"Moshi, Moshi? not fear my son, I am on my way." Splinter hung up and headed topside.


Aprils POV
The Krang were leading us through the subways. We were playing along, until we got a chance to escape.

"Didn't they mention feeding us something?" Casey said

"No," I said," they said they'd feed us to something."

"To a Kraathatrogon, it's a... Actually I don't know what it is?" Donnie said.

"Well we can wait around to be eatin' or we.." Casey said then he turned and swung at a Krang bot,"could make a move!"

Me and Donnie joined in. We hit a gas pipe and ran away. I stooped and looked down a different pathway.

"This way!" I yelled. We went through a door and came across an old nomadic subway. We walked farther down. I heard a weird sound.

"What's that gross slobbering sound?" I asked.

"Sounds like Mikey eating pizza," Donnie said. We all ran ahead and came to an opening. We hid behind a fallen object.

We saw a huge mutagen tank. Along with the Kraathatrogon, or space worms.

"Why bring them here?" Casey asked.

"Look!" I pointed out that the Krang were 'milking' them. For mutagen!

I felt something rubbing my butt. Casey was beside me.

"Stop that!" I snapped at him.

"Stop what?" He asked.

"I'm serious Casey stop it!" I looked down. A baby space worm was rubbing itself against me. "Ahhh"

Casey hit it with his hockey stick, it screeched. That got the attention of the Krang. 'Perfect' I thought.

The Krang released a worm and it came after us!


Bikutoria's POV

I stood and watched as Tiger Claw and Splinter fought. I waited for Karai to finish the plan.

"Vic-Bikutoria, listen to us." The blue turtle said,"you have to remover us Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo!"

"I do remember you, your the worthless turtles that attacked me and put me in a coma. Your sensei also took my and Karai's mother." I stated.

"Give it up Leo, Victoria's gone." Raphael said. I looked at him.

"You can do it Sensei!" Michelangelo cried. I laughed, they don't know what's coming.

I saw that Splinter had Tiger Claw at the end of his sword. I looked at him and nodded.

"Now, Karai!" I yelled.

Karai was watching from afar waiting with a tranquilizer dart. She shot and hit Splinter. I watched amused as he stumbled back and fell. Karai walked up to him.

"Miwa..." Then he fell.

"Miwa?" I said confused.

"Karai, Karai don't do this. Splinter he's your father, your true father!" Leonardo said.

"Liar!!" Karai exclaimed. I watched waiting to see what she would do. When walked over to the turtles.

"She obviously knows that you would say anything to save him," I said.

"No, he's your father, Karai, Hamato Yoshi,"Leonardo kept trying.

"If you won't be silent, then I'll silence you!" Karai said taking out her weapon ready to deliver the blow. Something came over me. I stooped her with my katana.

"What?" She said surprised.

"Master Shredder wants to finish the turtles himself," Tiger Claw said. I nodded."I wasn't aware that he told you this information." He said to me.

"He tells me everything." I said. In reality I didn't know. I just don't know why I stopped her.

"Fine, let's deal with the rat first," Karai said. The turtles started struggling.

"Leave him alone!" Raphael said.

We walked over to Splinter. Then he spoke,"my sons, go now!" He threw three ninja stars and the cut the turtles free.

I ran towards them, as Tiger Claw kicked Splinter back.

"Don't let them escape!" Karai yelled.

I ran towards them. They jumped onto a fire escape. Michelangelo took out an egg. The last thing I saw were bright green eyes, before they disappeared into the purple smoke. When it cleared they were gone.

"At least we still have the rat," I said jumping back to Karai.

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