Chapter 2

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"Come on Jorge, hurry before Raph gets back" Jorge and I were currently in Raph's room. I still had to get him back from the pie.

"Where do we put them?" He asked. I looked around.

"Hide em places where he'll see or find them, hopefully they won't melt." I said putting them in random places. I stuck them in his bed, around the floor, in an old pizza box. Anywhere really.

"Ok let's get out before he gets back," Jorge said, I followed him back to the main room. "So you've never tried out different things to see what your pewds can do?"

"No, I never thought about it," I said

"Saturday, me and you are going to Central Park to do "experiments" with your freaky powers" I raised an eyebrow when he said 'freaky'.

Raph came in a few minutes later, he went into his room. I looked at Jorge, he was grinning like a maniac. Then we heard a girly scream.

"Guys! Help, cockroaches, everywhere!" Raph was freaking out.

Jorge and I were literally on the floor laughing out butts off. Leo, Donnie, and Mikey ran to Raph's room.

"Raph calm down, they're just ice sculptures," we heard Donnie say.

"Dude, Victoria and Jorge must've done it, they were sneaking around," Mikey said. Me and Jorge stopped laughing.

Uh oh, I thought. "Victoria!! Jorge!!!" Raph was pissed. He ran out of his room and looked at us, fire literally in his eyes!

"Oh shell," I muttered. Then made a ring of fire around me.He couldn't get to me.

"Hey, what about me?" Jorge said.

"You better run!" I said smirking, Jorge groaned and ran. I watched safely from my fire circle by the couch.

Eventually, Raph caught Jorge. He beat Jorge with a pizza box.

"Who is the mightiest, and most powerful?" He asked. I was laughing at the sight.

"Uh, Raph is the the most powerful!" Jorge said covering his head as Raph hit him once more. Then, he turned to me! I smirked.

"Whatcha gonna do, Raphie Boy? You can't get me, I have fire on my side," I mocked him. Raph left the room. Jorge with him. Where are they going? I thought.

They came back in a few minutes later, each with... A bucket?

"Ooh,"I said in a mocking voice,"two buckets, what's that gonna do?"

Mikey, and Leo watched amused by what was happening, Donnie had gone back to his lab.

"It's what's in the buckets that's gonna do something?" Jorge said. I realized that water splashed inside the buckets as they walked nearer and nearer. Oh no.

"Jorge, I thought we were friends," I said, trying to come up with an escape plan.

"Well you should've thought of that when I was being beat with a pizza box," he said. Raph grinned.

"One, two, three!" Raph yelled, tossing the water onto my fire circle. I panicked and tried to freeze it, but ended up with more fire. Steam filled the room, I could hardly see.

"Ya better run," I heard Raph say. I turned to run. I ran around blindly and ended up running into the wall.

"Ow, my head... Ahhhh!"I groaned, until I felt something pick me up."Raph let go!" I tried to concentrate on my powers, but my head hurt from the wall.

"I don't think so, princess," he said. I struggled in his arms, but couldn't get loose, then he let go. Splash!! I landed in a pool of sewer water!

"Ugh," I said reaching the surface, the guys were laughing their shells off." Raph, you fuc--, uh hi Maste Splinter!" I panicked.

"Victoria, why, may I ask, are you in sewage water?" Splinter asked raising an eyebrow.

"I fell?" I said nervously, I didn't want to rat anyone out. It was my fault anyway. Splinter looked at me with an eyebrow raised. I was still in the water. Everyone else was watching, everyone nervous.

"Hmm, very well then, get cleaned up, we have training in half an hour," Splinter walked away.

Raph walked over and pulled me out. Then I whacked his head. He glared at me, Jorge was trying to hold in his laughter.

"I'm gonna take a shower," I said.


Jorge's POV
When Victoria left, I turned to Raph.

"Listen, I know you like her," I stated. He looked at me and then turned away, most likely blushing.

"Pshh, as if," he said. I smirked. He didn't know I was homo.

"Well, since you don't, I'm gonna ask her out on a date," I tested him to see what he would do. He tensed up.

"What? No don't!" He suddenly said. I grinned, got him now.

"Oh and why not?" I said.

"Uh, because, um, fine maybe I like her, but we're just friends," he stuttered. Just friends, I'm gonna change that.

"Ok, by the way, you ever hurt her, I'll make sure you never walk again," I said before walking away. Leaving Raph to do his own thing.


Victoria's POV
I got out of the shower and dried my hair. Training was in five minutes, so I changed into my ninja suit and headed towards the lair.

"Today, we are going to spar, Leo and Donatello, Raphael and Michelangelo, Victoria will soar the winner." Splinter said. I watched as the two groups fought. Eventually, Leo and Raph won, they sparred.

Raph lunged at Leo. Leo tucked and rolled out of the way. They weapons clashed against each other's. Raph took his sais and locked them around Leo's katanas. Raph disarmed Leo and tackled him. Raph won.

I got up and took my stance. "Hajime" Splinter said. Me and Raph circled each other. I flipped over him as he tried to jump kick me. I turned and dodged his sais, then I swung my katana at him. He blocked it with his sais. I pulled back, and kicked Raph back. He stumbled, the lunged at me. I side swepted his legs and he fell backwards. I jumped on him and pinned him down. "Yame!" Master Splinter said.

I got off Raph and smirked, believe it or not, it was the first time we've ever sparred.

"Ya got lucky," he muttered

"Sure, Raphie Boy" I said taking my place beside Donnie.

After training I called April and asked if she wanted to see a movie. She said yes and I left the lair.

~~~~~~At the movies~~~~~~~

"April! Why'd you have to bring Irma? And Casey?" I asked. Irma was getting the snacks.

"Hey!" Casey said,"sure, I agree that you shouldn't have bought Irma, April."

"She's my friend," April hissed. Irma came back.

"Hey, Victoria why haven't you been around?" She asked in her nasally voice.

"Family issues, I'm homeschooled now." I half lied. I was having family problems. We all went and saw the movie. I didn't really like it.

"Hey, guys I have to get back home, I'll see you around," I said, then proceeded to walking home.

"Well, well, well, looks like little miss freak eyes is back," I heard a voice say. I turned around grinned. This is gonna be too easy, I thought.

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