Chapter 10

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Aprils POV

It's been a month since the Manhattan Project. Casey, Jorge, and I were on break now. The guys have seen Victoria on patrol, and have tried to get her to remember. But every time she would attack them.

We told Jorge, then we has tie him to a chair. He tried to go to Shredders and the guys had to convince him that we would get her back.

"April, we're going out on patrol. You wanna come with us?" Leo asked me.

"Sure, I'm tired of being cooped up down here." I got up and followed them topside.

"I think I'm getting the hang of this," I said running across the rooftops. Before I got tired really easily.

We were out for about three hours. Then, we decided to go to Murakami's.
As we got nearer, we noticed some Purple Dragons harassing some girl.

"Leo, what do we do?" Mikey asked. Leo looked down, his eyes became wide, I saw what he saw soon afterr the girl that was being harassed was Victoria!

"Listen, my Father sent me to give you specific orders." She said. I then realized that she wasn't being harassed. She had it under control.

The guys and I watched and listened her talk.

"Now, go and do what your told," Victoria said finally.

"My father wants you to take this." She handed him a device, then whispered something to them.

"Just because your Father is Shredder doesn't mean we have to take orders from you." Hun said. Victoria turned to him.

Without warning she made a huge ice spike emerge from the ground. It pushed Hun against the wall, slowly getting closer and closer to his neck.

"What were you saying!" She demanded.

"Nothing!" Cried Hun. Victoria made the spike disappear. Then walked away.

"You have your instructions, don't disappoint," she hopped on her motorcycle and sped off. Wait... Her motorcycle?

"Where did she get her bike back?" I asked.

"Maybe Shredder had it," Leo said.

"How can she do that? The Victoria we know wouldn't do that!" I said.

"Come one let's go," Donnie said, leading me away.


Bikutoria's POV

I arrived to my fathers lair. I parked my bike and got off, heading inside. The fool, Stockman, made a tracking device. The purple dragons were to place it on one of the turtles.

"Father." I kneeled in front of my father.

"Bikutoria, have you completed your task?" He asked me.

I stood up, "Yes Father,".

"Very well, you are dismissed,"

I bowed and left. I saw Karai and walked up to her.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked her.

"Nothing, just had a lot on my mind," she said.

"Wanna go train for a bit?" I asked.

"Sure," we left towards Bradford's dojo.

"Want to know a little secret?" She asked me suddenly. We were sparring.

"What?" I asked blocking her juji-ken.

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