I looked above seeing a camera installed, I waited until it turned to the other direction then began moving. How am I gonna get through the security at the gate? After I managed to reach near the gate, I knew for a fact some other cameras caught me but since he's preoccupied with that woman that should buy me some to time. Thankfully I pulled on one of his jeans i was slightly big but I used a string to hold it up, since all I had on was his t-short.

When I reached the gate, the security came towards me. "You shouldnt be out here." He said.

"Uhm he, Kenji need you to take a look at the security room." I blurted out. I doubt he would buy it why did I say that.

He peered at me for a few seconds which felt like a hour. He nodded then left he must he new, yup he's gonna be jobless on a few hours. I entered the security room and press the button to open the gate, but before I could leave I was met with a broad chest.

Before you know it I was being dragged  back to the house fading away from the gate, I was thrown on the couch. He began pacing cussing in Japanese, until he stopped and walked over to me. "Did you think you could leave me that easily?" He asked.

"Kenji who's this?" The woman entered the room, looking at me.

"Leave Akira," he replied.

"Don't tell me you're trying to replace her with me." The woman laughed.

"I came back to you, I want us to fix this." She replied as she touched him.

"Don't fucking touch me." He sneered.

"Whatever I'll give you your space to cool off I'll be back." She winked before staring at me one last time.


"Lower your fucking tone when youre speaking." He sneered, while glaring at me.

"Just let me leave Kenji, please" I begged, I knew it was useless to beg, becuase I doubt he would change his mind.

I looked away from him looking at the ground when I froze my eyes met a lifeless body and the blood trail, my heart rate increased as my body began shaking. "Y-y-you K-k-killed Him." I stuttered.

"Well, yes he was incompetent, he basically gave you the leverage to escape, he had to be punished." He replied.

I began crying, as the tears fall down my cheek. He kneeled down in front of me and began licking my tears as they stream down my cheek. "Don't cry for him, Did I not say I'd only watch you cry over another man one time. He deserved it" he stated.

But all I could do was cry then it hit me I shouldnt have told Jamal where I was, I just dragged him into the madhouse, what would he do to Jamal if he finds  out. I have to try to leave here before that happens. I cant I dont know what I'll do if he hurts Jamal. I felt my head pounding, my eyes drooping until I lost consciousness.

When I woke up I found myself back in his rolm, but realise that he had a chain on my foot. I let out a humourless laugh, as the tears spilled. A phpne began rining beside me, which I picked up.

"You're awake now. I'm sorry I had to do this but I cant trust you when I'm not there Kireina, and don't bother try seeing if you can call anyone. You can only recieve calls on this phone. Anyways I need to go, you can move around, you can enter the bathroom even go downstairs, I made sure it wasnt too tight to hurt you and accessible. Oh and Riyuki will have your meal prepared." He trailed on.

I hung up, and laid back down curling myself in a ball. I should have never called that number. After that whole incident happened I should have left this country. I trusted a pretty face, now look where it got me. I didnt know for long I laid there, but I heard the door opened, and heard something placed on the nightstand.

"You should eat miss." Riyuki said.

I ignored him, and just laid there. I had no appetide I just wanted to go home. The tears began falling down my cheek I sniffled and wipe my nose. I heard the sound of the door closing so I presumed he left. I felt my stomach silently grumbling but I ignored it.

The place began getting darker, the door opened, I already knew who it was. "Kireina," he mumbled.

I felt myself being lifted out of the bed, I wanted to thrash myself around, and yell and screem and hi. But I had 0 energy to do so, so jist laid there.

He walked to the bathroom, and filled the bathtub with water, after he finished giving me bath. He place me on the bed and pulled a shirt on me.

"Why do you like me?" I finally broke the silence.

"I alreay told you, from the moment I met you, you captivated me you're beauty is out of this world, it was almost I  had to have you, it might be fate." He replied.

"Then what about that other woman? Did you feel loke that for her." I asked.

"That's a different thing." He replied, ss he lotion my body.

"How? Did you love her yes or no?" I asked.

"Before, yes before she left me." He replied, "she betrayed ne hence why I want nothing to do with her now." He replied

"But she still comes here, she has the code to your house." I blurted out, I'm aware I sound like a jealous wife but that wasnt the case. I just didn't understand why me he could have gotten back with her.

"I already changed it when she left, she means nothing to me now, you and the otherhand I'll never let you go." He stated. "Now let's go you need to eat."

"I don't want to-" I muttered.

"You will." He ended the conversation.

Hi Guys I'm Still Here🧍🏾‍♀️

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