"Who?" I gave him a confused look.

"Don't you remember?" Choro looked at me, he was waving his hands around frantically as he tried to get his words across, "we did an A ranked mission just after Ren joined us and we got caught up in the road by three rogues from the hidden mist!"

"Oh! I remember now!" I nodded, my gaze landing back on the three people, "Orisu, Ukata, and Xenxu of the hidden mist."

"We're back," Xenxu said with jazz hands.

"Go back to your grave," Choro glared.

"Ouch. That hurt," Ukata said dramatically, "didn't you guys miss us? Huh? Where are the other two. Pinkie and shortie?"

"Their names are Ren and Shikarei and they won't appreciate you calling them that," I told the three former foes.

Well, I say former foes, but they weren't much of a challenge against us ten years ago, I doubt they'll be any different now, especially because they died and by the looks of it, not long after we encountered them on the road to Suna.

"Either way, it's no fun. How can we get revenge when it's only half a team?" Orisu's monotone voice reached us as he straightened his clothes out and dusted himself down before looking around, "why're you in some barren lifeless block of dusty dirt anyway?"

"So, you've been reanimated but you don't even know why? Do you even know who reanimated you?" Choro gave them a bored look, a grumble of disbelief rumbling from him.

"Kabuto reanimated us. We're just here to slow things down or whatever," Xenxu shrugged, waving his hand around in a dismissive wave.

"The whole task is tedious but if we get to kill you guys, it's totally worth it," Ukata said, I looked over to Choro.

"Get them to send some of the sealing team down here," he told me, "I'll keep these assholes away from you while you do."

"Alright," I nodded as we bumped fists, "I'm trusting you."

"Hey now, I'm your teammate," he grinned, "we never leave anyone behind, and we definitely don't leave our friends vulnerable to an attack when it can be prevented. Now call for help."

I nodded and jumped back a few paces.

"Oh no you don't!" a voice piped up, I spun around just in time to block a kick from Xenxu, my eyes widened in shock as I stared at the dark-haired boy.

He's so fast..

I don't remember him being that fast.

"Inoiché!" Choro spun around to try and help me but was dragged back by Ukata's vines and Orisu's mist began to shroud the area.

"This is bad!" I exclaimed, "Focus on defending yourself, Choro! I'm sure we'll be fine! We can do this!"

"B-but--" I heard his struggled response through the ever-thickening mist, "will you get out of my way?! I'm trying to have a conversation here!"

I bit back a laugh as I dodged Xenxu's fist, spun around and hooked one of my feet under his leg, dropping him to the ground with a loud thud. If he were alive, that probably would've hurt. A lot.

"No 'but's, Choro. Just do it," I called back to him.

"Fine," he sighed.

Xenxu must've noticed my slight shift in attention and used that to his advanced as he caught my ankles and knocked me down to the floor along with him.

I landed and rolled onto my side as I tried to take in air, gasping as I gripped my sides.

Man. That hurt.

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