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Hi! If you get this far by finishing my book. Thank you so much for sticking with me until the end!

My revision is finally complete and I'm proud to say that this version is a lot better than the previous ones. It's been a long journey full of writer's block and discouragement but thanks to you who keep on reading, voting and supporting this book that I got through with it!

Like I said, no amount of views, votes and comments can compare to how much I'm grateful to have each one of you. Pat yourself on the back as well 'cause you can finally read it anytime you want without waiting for the updates ^^

On the otherhand, I'm also closing this chapter of my life and will take down this account since I could no longer have the time to write a story.

It's been 6 years of laughing, crying and kilig moments with wattpad and I never really imagine that I would stop using it one day since it's been a companion to me wherever I go but here we are.

I met a lot of great people through this platform and I never thought that my book would gain this much recognition that I've been dreaming since day one. Thanks to you that I was able to finally achieved that.

I'm definitely gonna treasure this moment forever and always remember that you are loved, important and worth it!

This has been Erin, since 2016, signing off :)

Babysitter ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora