Another Romeo And Juliet

Start from the beginning

I got back into my clothes and went onstage.
We ran through a few scenes and then came to the balcony scene.
I looked down to see William and smiled as he tried climbing up but fell back.
"No! Not like that!" Sissi said.
"Let's take a break for today, almost perfect. Remember the show is tomorrow night!" She stood from her director's chair and grabbed her bag, and sashayed out the door.
"Sorry about fumbling with my lines, I'll be perfect tomorrow, I swear. Are your parents going to come tomorrow?" William asked, patting my shoulder. I shook my head, looking at my shoes.
"No, they called and said they weren't, no big deal though, less pressure on me,"

William Dunbar Kadic Academy Tenth grade student

I walked forward towards Tovah in the cafeteria and sat next to her at the empty table.
"Hey," I smiled, "what's up?" I asked, stabbing my fork into a green bean.
"Not much. Just eating my jello," she gestured towards the jiggly cup of red jello.
"Nice, so what's up with you and Odd?" I asked. She shook her head.
"Gosh, why is everyone up in my face about that today?" She laughed softly.
"I'm just wondering. You guys seemed cozy at the dance," I smiled, thinking about what to say next.
"So, are you guys going to Sissi's cast party after the play?" I asked.
"Like together?" She asked, pushing her tray away and pulling her phone out and setting it on the table.
"No, I don't think so, I think we're just going separately," she replied.
"Well, I guess I'll see you there."

The next day.

"Get in your costume! Set your props!" Aelita said, looking over her clipboard. "Tovah, do you need help getting into your costume?" Sissi asked. Aelita was Sissi's co-director.
"Yumi, could you help Tovah get in her costume?" Aelita asked.
"I can't. I'm gluing the hedges back together," she said, holding her glue-covered hands up.
"William, you're on costume duty now, help T," Sissi barked. I bit my lip and went over to Odd.
"Hey, why don't you go help T?" I whispered.
"I've got it!" He said, setting his guitar down.

Odd Della Robbia Kadic Academy, ninth grade student

I walked over to Tovah and pat her shoulder.
"Hey, I can help you," she turned to look at me confused.
"Oh. Okay," she nodded. We went into the dressing room, and she pulled her robe off to reveal her slip underneath, I grabbed the dress, and Tovah put her hands on my shoulders as she stepped into it. She turned around, and I pulled the corset tighter and tighter until it wouldn't go anymore.
"So, what do you think of Stacy?" She asked, resting her hands on her hips.
"Stacy?" I asked. "She's nice," I shrugged. "You should ask her to the after-party," she said, turning to look in the mirror and fixing her hair.
"Maybe," I shrugged.

Maybe asking Stacy would make Tovah jealous, but I've seen how that's worked before, but maybe it's a double negative thing. Right before the show, I found Stacy in the light booth.
"Hey, do you want to go to the after-party with me?" I asked plainly. She turned with a wide smile and looked at me.
"Wow! Really?" She asked.
"Yeah, I'd love to," she nodded.
"Cool. Well, five minutes till curtain," I gave her double guns and went to my spot next to the stage.

The show.

I strummed my guitar and watched as the balcony scene started, William didn't stumble over his lines at all, Tovah looked like an angel as she leaned over the balcony to look at William.
Everything was going so well! But suddenly, the audience went silent, and Jim stood up and made a big grunting sound, I looked at Aelita as she lowered her clipboard. I stopped strumming my guitar, and the rest of the audience stood.
Tovah raised her eyebrows and repeated her line,
"Tis but thy name that is thy enemy," she leaned on the balcony. "Tis...thou art thyself..." she bit her lip as the audience began to stir.
"Um..." Aelita stood up and walked towards the door.
"Get her!" They lunged towards Aelita, and I kicked Jim in the chest as he tried to get Aelita, Tovah jumped out of the tower and pulled Sissi and William out of the building.
"Come on," Yumi said as we exited the school theater.
I called Jeremy and Ulrich and told them to meet us in the factory.

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