Food posion -Mitch/Kirstie

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Olaf bounded over to Avi, also already loving him more than Jeremy, and licked his hand, making Avi chuckle his deep chuckle that Kirstie always almost melted at. "I like him." Mitch whispered to her, making her blush again. She couldn't remember ever being this happy with herself and her life. They all accepted and loved her and her boyfriend.

Lunch was an amazing, simple sandwiches and mac'n'cheese Avi had made just for her, being an amazing cook, but after a few bites she didn't feel like she could eat much with the butterflies in her stomach. Mitch didn't even take any food.

Avi had put the effort into the Mac and cheese as he knew she'd always eat it, even if she didn't eat anything else on the table, so she forced herself to eat more, thinking she was just nervous. Scott elbowed Mitch, hinting at him to eat more as he was looking ungrateful.

It was great, good quality food that her boyfriend really put work into, and Mitch hadn't meant to look so stuck-up, but Kirstie could tell by the look on his pale face he wasn't feeling good.

"His bathroom is the first door on the left inside." She whispered to him.

Mitch shot her a quick, grateful smile, before excusing himself. She left him for a minute, before deciding to excuse herself. "Sorry, I'll be back." she explained, and decided to go and find Mitch. She knocked on the door but didn't get a response, so she knocked again.

"Mitchie? I'm gonna come in, okay?" She called out, giving it a good thirty seconds for him to reply. He didn't, so she went in and frowned at her friend hunched over the toilet, his chest moving up and down with heavy breaths.

"Oh Mitchie. I knew you didn't feel well. I'm sorry I forced you here." she apologised, sinking down to her knees to rub his back, not sure if he just felt nauseous, but she took the hair clip out of her hair and clipped his fringe back just in case. "Do you think you'll be sick? It's okay if you do but if not I can ask Scott to drive you home." she gently told him, not wanting him to think that either option was bad.

"I don't know, Kirst. Shit, I'm really sorry." He frowned. This was supposed to be her day.

"Mitchie don't apologise sweetie." she begged, giving him a little hug. She didn't care if it was her day or not. Her friends were more important than a silly day. "I'm sure Avi won't mind letting you use a bedroom for a little bit. He's really sweet about this kind of thing." She assured him, standing up to go ask her boyfriend that very question. She wanted to be quiet about him so she didn't embarrass him, and Avi had first thought she was coming up to tell him she felt like she would have a seizure.

"Stay." Mitch squeaked, not wanting to be alone in this strange house. Kirstie was always so calming when he was ill or upset, like his mother and sister, and he thought of her like his sister. She heard him from with Avi and decided to speed this up.

"Kirst are you okay?" he asked, feeling worried by the look on her face, and how she kept turning to look in the house.

"I'm okay. Mitch isn't feeling good, though. Do you think it would be okay if he stayed in the guest room?" She asked, speaking quickly so she could go back to him. "I'm really sorry, Avi. I should have told him to stay home."

"No, no, it's okay, Kirst. Of course he can." Avi nodded, smiling slightly at just how caring she was.

"Okay I'm going to go back, he wants me. Sorry guys, sorry Scott." she said, hurrying back to her best friend, who hadn't moved. "I'm back, Mitchie. Avi said you can lay in his room. Do you think it's safe to move?" she asked him, ready to go at his pace, no matter how fast or slow it was.

He just nodded, feeling safe for now, and she already had plans to set him up with a bucket as soon as she could. "You're okay, Mitchie." She soothed, carefully helping him stand. She couldn't carry him like he and Scott did when she was sick, but did her best to act like a good enough crutch for him.

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