Chapter 27

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Lucy POV

Eventhough it is already late at night, everyone is still up. The mood in the hall is dispirited, the tensions of the afternoon have vanished. As soon as we enter the room, Shal comes up to me and hugs me. I can tell that he has been crying. „Are you okay?", he asks with a soft voice, as if I'd be the only one to worry about. „Yea. She's better now." Feitan answers him instead, while pulling me back. „Stop being so clingy, you're not a child." - „Stop being an asshole," I comment his rude behavior, but playfully hit his chest. He snorts quietly, before looking away, his hands in his pockets.

"Great, now that you are finally back we can finally discuss how to go on," Phinks growls sarcastically. "If the princess is feeling better now of course." - "Shut the fuck up!" Feitan yells back immediately.

'Oh Great, we're back to fighting now...'

I roll my eyes on the guys behavior. But well, maybe this is just their way to handle things and hide how they really feel. I shot a glance at Pinks, curious if I can read anything on his face. But he looks just as annoyed as ever.

„So, any suggestions what we should do now?" Machi cuts in, before the fight escalates again. „In any case, the action at the auction tomorrow is canceled, we can't do that without Chrollo and Paku," Shizuku noted. „Well we can still go and have fun, like civilized people," Phinks suggest, a wide grin on his face. Feitan growls at his comment. „Like civilized people? We're thieves, we don't do things like that," he maintains, while rolling his dark eyes.

„Don't tell me what to do!" The blonde immediately yells, offended. „Guys!" Machi cuts in, her pink ponytail rocking back and forth as she shakes her head angrily. „Can you please stop that for a few minutes." Clearly annoyed, she puts her hands on her hips and throws both of them furious looks. Feitan lets out a huge sight before giving in: „Alright we can go to that goddamn auction."

Finally I find the courage to speak up: „And what about me?" Will they let me go, now that we won't rob the auction? „Huh?" Feitan asks puzzled. „You can come too, of course, not like I would let you alone anyway." Jeez, how can someone be so dense?

„And am I allowed to leave after that, like Chrollo promised?" I try to ask further, but are immediately stoped bei Phinks: „You ain't going nowhere, little brat. The deal was to help us with the auction. It won't take place, so the deal is off. And since Chrollo is not here to decide what to do with you, you will stay with us until he will come back. Not that I want you here," he adds with disparaging grunt.

Instead of helping me out, Machi nods her head earnestly. "I agree, Chrollo decided to let you stay with us, so he probably had his reasons to think you're useful. Besides, since he's gone, and Paku and Uvo are dead, we're short on members anyway."

Shizuku lets out an approving snort: "Yupp and Hisoka the traitor has also disappeared." - "Not that any of us would miss him," Machi comments, while rolling her blue eyes. The others burst out laughing, and despite my wicked situation, I couldn't resist laughing either. But then Shalnark puts his hand on my shoulder and comes back to the topic. "Besides, you're my friend, I'd miss you when you're gone," he admits with a smile. I can hear a disapproving grunt next to me. „I ain't gonna let you go nowhere, little girl," Feitan states and the look in his pitch black eyes tells me that he's serious.

„Well, it's not like I have a choice then."

Honestly, it's not like I wouldn't miss them if I leave. Eventhough we're so differently, I can really feel myself drawn into the groupe, eventhough I don't get comfortable with a few members. With a sour smile, I shot phinks an angry glance.

Still, the thought of staying with Feitan and Shalnark, triggers a warm feeling in my stomach. I really came to like them a lot, each of them in their own crazy way. Just like Shizuku and Machi and somehow even Franklyn.

But I can't stay. The semester break will end in one week. Also, I haven't contacted my family for a few days. They must be sick of worry. I mean, even more than they already were when I disappeared without a word.

There is absolulely no way, I could stay with the troupe any longer. Still, a part of me really wants to help Chrollo, but I don't think I could be any help with that.

‚Wait, maybe I couldn't but...'

Suddenly a thought hits my mind: My foster sister Liz has a speacial Nen ability since ever she was a kid. By looking someone in their eyes she can make any Nen ability ineffective. Maybe she could remove the chain users ability from Chrollo as well?

A part of me, wants to tell the others immediately, but something holds me back.
What if I tell them, and they chase Liz down to force her to help? What if she'd be hurt? I cant I can't drag her in that mess like that and put her in danger.

I need to find a way to get out of here. Maybe she will agree to help me, after I tell her what happened. We can find Chrollo together and remove the chains of him. He will surely let me go after helping him.

Now I only need to come up with a plan to escape...


Hey guys! Sorry for not posting so long. Here are two new chapters at once for an excuse, lol. I hope you enjoyed them. 🤗

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