Chapter 42

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Laughing, I spin on the dance floor and shot an attractive, dark haired guy my prettiest smile. Then I cast a guarding glance at Lucy, who, thanks to Feitan, just got rid of an intrusive admirer before I had to intervene. The two are now closely embraced on the dance floor, but without dancing. I chuckle at the odd sight and watch Freitan's hands slowly wander from her waist to her butt.

I grin. After all, I believe a guy like him is just what my sister needs right now. She has never been the most selfconfident person, but her boyfriends cheating has crushed her confidence completely, to a point where I felt like she didnt even realized her own beauty and desirability anymore.

Her trust issues are almost insurmountable, but something tells me that Feitan will be able to overcome them with his strong desire towards her. It was so riduculous, his overly obvious attachment to her, but somehow it also made me feel envious, considering that no on had ever felt this way for me before, pure and unconditional love.

With a sight, I turn back to the handsome guy to distract myself, but he is nowhere to be seen. Instead, I meet a pair of emerald green eyes that stare at me cheekily. "Take a look at them," Shalnarks laughs and pokes me in the side with his elbow.

I snort softly. "They are totally forgetting where they are," I laught into his ear. "Do you want to dance?" The blonde gives me another grin. He was somehow not quite my type, with his angelic face and his innocent nature, but I somehow feel at ease around him. So I nod and he instantly grabs my hands and turns me around in circles until I feel sick. I laugh and almost fall to the ground, but his hands hold me tight. Laughing, I lean against him until the world around me finally stops spinning. He's a decent guy, keeps his hands where they belong and makes no move to hit on me. Way to god for someone like me.

Suddenly Shizuku and Machi appear next to us, followed by Phinks and Nobunaga. "We should get out of here," Machi whispers to us and loosens the hair tie from one of her pink braids. "Feitan's action attracted attention, someone might recognized us." Phinks nods with a serious face and points at Lucy and Feitan. "Somebody has to bring those two lovebirds back into reality," he growls his face grimacing. "Jealous?" I smirk at him, getting an evil glare for my comment. Shizuku is already on her way to get them and Shalnark is pulling me outside. "Let's continue celebrating at headquarters, that means fewer problems," suggests Nobunaga, as soon as we're standing outside. "I can make a detour with Phinks and get some stuff."

When he says ‚getting stuff', he is probably referring to robbing a liquor store. I grin. I like the troupe better and better.


Hey guys, thank you very much for your support. My story has been on #1 on #shalnark for quite a while now. So thank you all for reading, commenting and liking each chapter, it means a lot to me🥰

I hope you liked this chapter 😊

See you soon 💕

See you soon 💕

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