Chapter 17

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Lucy POV

"You can sleep in my room tonight," Machi exclaims with a wide smile, as soon as we reach the hall again. "It's gonna be like a girls sleep over." Most of the others seem to have gone to bed already, since its only the two of us, Chrollo, Hisoka and Machi. "No way!" Feitan calls out while pulling me behind him. „She's staying with me. Someone needs to make sure she doesn't run away, and I don't trust you with that. You act way to friendly with her."

What? There's no way in hell, I will sleep in the same room with this guy, despite of the fact that it only has a narrow singe bed. With panic in my eyes I look over to Chrollo, but he doesn't seem to care about the topic, still delved into his book.

"There's no way, she's gonna sleep in your room, pervert!" Machi comes to my help instead, trying to pull me away from him.

"Oh, no problem, she can stay with me instead. I'll make sure she wont run away," Hisoka suddenly butts in, giving me a playful smirk. "Shut the fuck up!" Both, Machi and Feitan, call out at the same time.

"Chrollo?" I finally call out, hoping for him to help me, but instead without even looking up from his book, he throws a golden coin towards us. „Just Flip a coin," he suggests, still focused on his Novel.

What? Something like that isn't supposed to be decided by flipping a coin! What kind of bullshit is that supposed to be? Still, Machi and Feitan seem to be fine, deciding my fate like that, deciding if the coin shows number, I will be sleeping with Machi.

'Please let me be lucky for once these days' I'm sending a quiet prayer into the sky, as Machi throws the coin in the air.

„Head!" Feitan calls out with a wide grin, after catching the coin expertly.
Without hesitation he grabs my arm and pulls me after him. No matter how hard I struggle, he wont let go of me, until he finally closed the door behind us.

I push my back against the closed door and let my gaze wander through the room, hoping to find something like a sofa or a mattress. But the room is empty, except for the narrow bed, a dresser and a nightstand.

'Please don't tell me he's actually expecting me to share that thing with him?'

Looking back at him, I realize he is already undressing himself, revealing his trained upper body. No way! What the hell is he up to? Blushing furiously, I advert my gaze, placing bot of my hands in front of my face in embarrassment.

"What, are you gonna sleep like this?" I hear him grumble, now only dressed in a pair of boxers. Without looking at him, I give him my muffled answer: "I have nothing else to wear." With an impatient sigh he holds out his white shirt to me. "Wear this then," he grumbles, while piercing me with his dark eyes. "T- Turn around!" I yell at him in embarrassment, when he doesn't stop looking at me, waiting for me to change.

He makes a sound of annoyance, while turning around slowly. „30 seconds." I hear him growling, while I already pull my hoodie over my head. 'Shit, it smells like him' I realize, while pulling his shirt over my head. Since he's so small, it only covers my booty halfway. I uncomfortably shift around, thinking about putting my pants back on, when he suddenly turns back around to me. „Ready then?" he asks and without looking at me, he lays down at the narrow bed, his back turned to me.

Hesistantly, I place myself at the other side of the narrow bed, als close to the edge as possible, which is still leaving only a few inches of space between our backs. I can feel the heat of his body. How the fuck am I supposed to sleep like this?

I try to keep my breath steady, and calm myself down, but feeling his presence behind me, I cant bring myself to fall asleep.
Suddenly I can feel him turning around behind me, while I lay there motionless, trying not to make a sound. Without a warning, I can suddenly feel his hand on my waist, pulling me closer to him.

„Wh- what are you doing?" I cry out. My heart immediately starts to beat like crazy again, feeling his chest pressed against my back. „Just making sure you're not running away." I hear him mumbling behind me. He's so close, that I can feel his warm breath stroking down my neck. I start to shiver from that intense feeling, while my heart seems to be trying to jump out of my chest. Why am I reacting like this?

I can't deny the fact, that I find him pretty attractive in some way, but still my body is reacting way to strong toward him. I just hope he can't feel how fast my heart is beating.

'Don't feel it, don't feel it,' I keep thinking to myself, until I finally manage to fall into a restless sleep.

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