Chapter 3

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Lucy POV

My day in York New went over real quick and it's soon time for the auction. I spend most of my time strolling over the market, before checking into a big hotel.

Thankfully, I didn't ran into these thieves again. Somehow, I have the feeling this black haired guy would've remembered me.

Rick has called at least two thousand times but I decided to ignore his calls. He would surely make me blab out where I am, and take me home within less than a day. 'Lucy, where the heck are you, dad is death worried for you' A text pops up on my phone, just when I get into the elevator to get down in the hotel lobby. I let out a small sight, but decide to answer this time. Liz is my foster sister and also one of my best friends. I can't just ignore her. 'Sorry, Liz. There's something I really need to do, but I'm fine. I'll explain when I'm back.'

Just when I put my phone back into my pocket again, the elevator door opens again in the 11th floor and a strange looking guy enters. He is tall, and his red dyed hair is put up, which makes him look even taller. He has drawn on symbols on his pale cheeks, like a joker. His clothing was odd too, like a clowns gown actually. When he walks in to the elevator I also happen to notice how smooth and elegant his movements are. He's kind of scary overall.

The clown guy greets me with a smirk and pushes the button to lock the elevator doors. Great, I'm trapped in a four square meter room with a guy that kind of looks like a crazy serial killer. And he just won't stop starring at me. I try to advert my eyes, but he catches my glance again through the elevator mirror. "Mind to join me for dinner?" He finally speaks up, giving me a creepy smile. "I think I will pass," I answer quietly, avoiding his gaze. Dammit can't this thing be a little bit faster? "What a shame." He chuckles quietly, liking his lips. When the elevator finally reaches the first floor, I quickly get out, leaving the guy behind. "By the way," he calls after me. "My name is Hisoka, Room Number 111, just in chase"

God dammit, I think I need to find a new hotel, what a creep!'

Still shuddering, I make my way into the city. I need to find a nice dress to mix among the other guests at the auction tonight. Of course I don't plan to bid on the bracelet, but to steal it from whoever does. Since those people there are all cruel mafia leaders, I don't have any concerns doing this.

I wonder if the person who murdered my family will be among them tonight. ‚Stop Lucy! Don't think about that now,' I am silently scolding myself. ‚You're only here to get the bracelet back!'

Just when I head around a corner, leading to the center of the city, someone bumps into me. "Woah," I cry out, almost falling backwards. The kid who ran into me also stumbles, but was catched by his friend, following close after.

"I'm sorry, Miss" the dark haired kid says, bowing a bit. "Ah, it's you" I shout out, when I realize who's standing in front of me. The go boys are staring at me in confusion. "Ah sorry, I saw you guys at the arm wrestling competition this morning," I explain immediately. ‪The kid‬ in front of me starts smiling brightly. "Ah, I see. My name is Gon by the way. And this is my very best friend Killua." He says, pointing at the white haired boy behind him, who blushed instantly. "Idiot! Don't just say things like that, it's embarrassing!" He pouts, giving the other boy a head nut. "But it's True." Gon answers, sticking his tongue out. I chuckle at those two. They remind me of Liz and myself when we were younger. We always used to tease each other, but in the end we always stick together when it matters.

After talking to those two boys for a while we say good bye and I continue my search for a dress.
All the boutiques with gowns look super expensive and are filled with rich and arrogant looking people. The vendors look at me like I am some piece of trash, so I always go ahead. ‚Shit, I really should've dressed a little more feminine and fancy,' I think to myself, looking down at my casual outfit. These vendors wont even let me in, dressed like this.

Sighting, I continue to walk through the streets, when I finally spot a very nice looking boutique in a side street. It's kind of small, and looks cute. The front of the building is painted in white and pastel pink, and the whole thing has some sort of a vintage vibe. But what draws my attention the most is the dress, displayed in the store window: A beautiful rose gold mermaid gown with lovely ornaments and pearls on it.

As I open the old wooden door, I was immediately greeted by the friendly looking vendor. He welcomes me with a open and warm smile on his face. His curly dark brown hair is a bit too long and almost covers his hazel brown eyes. He's kind of chubby, dressed in a pastel pink suit that has the exact same color as his store window. "Hi honey, nice to meet you, I'm Josh," he excitedly calls out to me, pulling me in a hug. He smells sweet, like homemade cookies and I immediately come to like this guy. "Um, hi I'm Lucy," I'm answering, a little surprised by his hug. "I'm looking for an evening dress, to wear at an event tonight."

"Of course, darling. We're gonna find the perfect dress for you." he calls out, excitedly. "Gosh, anything would fit you just perfectly. You have such a nice body shape. Wait, let me get some dresses for you."

As I watch myself in the mirror, wearing a red, floor-length gown, I barely recognize myself. I never wore such a beautiful dress before. Anyway, it feels like kind of too much for the occasion and it's also kind of hard to move in it. "Josh, this dress is beautiful. But do you have something... a little more simple?"

In the end I bought what could be called 'the little black dress', a tightly fitted, almost knee long black dress which hugs my figure well. Since I'm not used in wearing dresses, this one seemed to be the best choice for me, even though Josh seemed kind of disappointed in my plain choice.

Back in my hotel room, I put in some dark contacts to cover my natural eye color, do a light makeup and put my long hair into an elegant bun, before making my way to the underground action.

Well... here goes nothing...

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