Chapter 43

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After Feitan had caused too much attention in the bar, Shizuku had grabbed both of us and pulled us outside. I had been slightly embarrassed after realizing we had embraced each other in public, but the drinks I had beforehand made me forget this feeling real quick.

Right now, we're back in the villa, everybody sitting in the lounge, drinking and having fun. Nobunaga and Phinks have brought boxes of alcohol from somewhere and slowly the world begins to spin around me. To be honest, I dont take Alkohol very well, and Feitan seems the same, since he had less drinks than me, and already looks like he is about to pass out.

The black haired male is right next to me, slightly leaning against my shoulder, his eyes only half open, and has been awkwardly quiet for a while now. He had put one of his hands on my knee, his face buried in my neck and his warm, alcohol-smelling breath caresses my collarbone. Goosebumps had spread all over my body, and although a warm tingling sensation spread through my body, I'm too drunk to mind.

I don't know if it was my increasing alcohol level or what Feitan said earlier, but I felt closer to him than ever. I close my eyes and lean against him, his black hair brushing over my face. Somehow I wish this moment would never end.

"Look, the two dwarfs look like they're going to pass out," laughs Phiks drunken and puts his beer on the table with a loud bang. "I'm fine," I babble, trying not to appear drunk, but the room around me just won't stop spinning. "Shut up," Feitan grumbles without bothering to move, his breath stokes down my neck, the tickle feeling is causing me to giggle. "Why are you so small, anyway?" I snicker drunkly and push him away from me, giggling teasingly. I know I was moving on thin ice, but I just couldn't stop myself from babbling so freely. I really drank to much.

„Shut up! I'm still growing," Fetan mumbles his cheeks turning into a light pink shade. His pitch back eyes pierce and he curls his lips into a pout. Have I ever mentioned he's fucking cute when he's mad?

„Huh? How old are you?" I ask him in surprise, since I always suspected him to be older than me. „25," he answers right away, his body leaning closer to me again. I immediately start giggling again. „Haha, give it up already, you won't be growing anymore!" The people around us all burst out laughing, Phinks even almost falling to the ground, holding his stomach.

„Can't you just shut the fuck up for once?" Feitan mumbles angrily, placing his hands on the armrest behind me, his whole body now bent over me. I've probably gone too far, but I am way to drunk to realize the situation I was in, before it is to late. „Make me," I retort, without realizing, what I was implying to.

He gives me a dirty smile, and before I know what is happening he puts his hands on either side of my face and places his lips on mine. Without warning, without permission. I freeze for a second, instincty closing my eyes. His lips feel unexpectedly soft on mine and my heart is beating so loud that everything else around me is drowned out.

Slowly coming to my senses again, realizing that the others were watching us, I try to push him away but he is by far stronger than me. And when he leans in to deepen our kiss even more, I finally lose my strength and give in to his passionate kiss. I have never gotten so lost in a kiss before. The air around us is filled with tension. My heart keeps missing beats and my hands can not bring him close enough to me. I taste him and realize I've been starving. I've been in love before, but never like this. I have kissed before, but it never burned me alive.

I feel my body being lifted up in the air, realizing he was carrying me. I wrap my arms around his neck, running my fingers trough his raven black hair. When he finally pulls back from our kiss I take a deep breath, realizing I've been holding it till now, because it just didnt seem important enough to me at the time.

Swaying, he carries me up the stairs not saying a word, till he reaches the door of his room. He pushes it open, gently laying me down on the bed. Now leaned over me, he gives me a sheepish kind of smile, I never expected to see on him. „I am only gonna say this once, so listen," he mumbles, gently running his fingers through my blonde curles. Suddenly feeling tired, I look up to him, his shape becoming more and more blurred before my eyes. Then I pass out, before hearing his words.

„I love you."


Hey guys💕 I hope you liked this chapter, I was looking forward on posting it so much haha🙊

Anyways, thank you all for staying tuned, see you soon 🥰

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