Chapter 5

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Lucy POV

Woken up by the ringtone of my phone, I open up my eyes. An unknown number is calling. I've already decided ignore the call, when a thought shots through my mind: 'It might be him.' Not really knowing why, I pick up the call. If that guy really belongs to these murderous thieves, I really should avoid him, but deep inside I want to know the reason why he saved me.„Lucy, is that you? It's me, Shal", the person on the other side speaks up.

'So it really is him, huh?'

I didn't really expect him to really call me, after I figured he's one of the thieves. Maybe my conclusion was wrong after all? „Yeah it's me." I mumble into the phone, unsure how to feel about him. „Thank god, I'm glad you're alright. Wanna meet up for breakfast somewhere?" He really sounds concerned about me, which is why I decide to give him a chance.

„Yeah, that wouldn't great, I'm starving, actually," I answer him, trying to sound cheerfull. I can hear him chuckling. „Alright, I'll send you the address. See you soon."

Honesty, could a thief be so nice? He really doesn't seem like a bad person at all. Sighing, I hang up my phone and get out of my bed. I quickly get ready and head out of my room. I guess I have no choice, but to ask him directly.

"Jo," I was greeted by a guy, casually leaning inside the elevator. I nod a greeting to him, as I push the button to the first floor.
"How about breakfast today, we could get room service?" He asks with a smirk. Huh? I look back up at him, finally noticing his face.

He looks totally different from last time. He is wearing his hair down, which is now hanging straight into his face. Hisoka's wearing a cramped white t-shirt and a pair of grey shorts , which is making a whole different appearance than last time. But his creepy smile is still the same, which is why I decide to just ignore his question. 'Give it up already, creep.'

"Oh come on", he pouts, coming a step closer to me, leaning forward until his face is right in front of mine. "At least tell me your name, pretty." Since my back is already at the rear wall of the elevator, I have no room to escape him. Luckily, I was saved by the ringing sound of the opening door, or at least I hoped so. "Your floor", I grumble quietly, as he doesn't make a move to leave. "Your Name", He answers with a smirk, coming a little bit closer until our faces are almost touching. "Lucy." I quickly call out, which is finally making him back up. "We'll see you then, Lucy. Join me for dinner next time." He says, while leaving the elevator, waving at me with a smile.

‚Seriously what the hell is wrong with this guy?'

When I reach the address Shalnark has texted me, just a few minutes later, the blonde is already waiting for me. He gets up to greet me, trying to pull me in a hug, but I avoid him by taking a step backwards. „May I ask you something?", I ask him, with a serious expression on my face, instead of a greeting.
Obviously surprised of my cold attitude, he also takes a step back, but nods at me earnestly. "Yeah of course", he answers quietly, while sitting back down, implying me to do the same, with a small nod.

'Shit, there is no going back now.', I think to myself, while uncomfortably sitting down in front of him. I can't even tell what would be worse: If I'm right and he is one of the thieves who knows what he'd do to me, but if I'm wrong , I would truly hurt his feelings, after he literally saved my life yesterday.
"Why did you want me to leave that badly yesterday?", I finally ask, not wanting to address the issue directly. Shalnark nervously runs his hand trough his blonde hair. Looks like my question hit a nerve.

"I just wanted to go somewhere else with you, I told you, didn't I?", he answers, avoiding my gaze.

'Shit, I don't want to be right...'

"You knew what was going to happen, right? Because those friends you mentioned, were the people who attacked the auction. You are one of them right?"
When he doesn't say anything, I decide to ask him the question that bothered me the most: "Why did you save me then?"

The blonde finally looks up, meeting eyes with his gaze. „That's because...", he looks away again, blushing a bit. " Well, at first, I was just talking to you because I was bored and teasing you a bit seemed fun. But you are so nice and easy to talk to, so I somehow thought we could become friends." He nervously, starts playing with the tablecloth in front of him. "I never had any friends, other than the members of the Phantom Troupe, so I kind of thought it would be nice. I just didn't want you to get hurt, that's why I wanted you to leave." When he finally looks up again, his eyes look completely honest. Overwhelmed of his honesty, I tell him the the first thing that comes to my mind:

„Alright, let's be friends then."

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