Chapter 6

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Lucy POV

„What the fuck is wrong with you Lucy?", I grumble to myself, while entering my hotel room, slamming the door behind me.
Not only, that I accepted to be friends with a member of the Phantom Troupe, I also told him about my true intentions to participate at the auction.
I seriously have no idea how the situation turned out that way, but Shalnark is just so friendly and easy to talk to, that I ended up trusting him way to fast.

Slightly annoyed with myself, I look down at my phone, reading the news about the auction again. Strangely, neither corpses, nor blood, or bullets were found at the auction hall. More than two hundred auction guest are considered missing right now, but I'm pretty sure they're all dead. Well, saw the big guy shooting them all, right? Which is still leading me to the question how they managed to hide all of the corpses in such a short amount of time.

I shudder a bit, remembering the horrible scenario I've seen yesterday. Even if those people were all cruel mafia leaders, murdering them was still wrong, right? Sighting quietly, I close my eyes. Why am I even questioning this? Even if I really hate the mafia, after what happened to my family, ending someones life just like that is never a right thing to do.

Anyway, The mafia has set high bounty's on the known members of the Phantom Trope, after they also wiped out all of the shadow beast without mercy last night. I've already heard of them. They are supposed to be the ten strongest members of the mafia, so if the Phantom Troupe was able to defeat all of them, they must be really strong. How is anyone supposed to catch them then?

In any case, later this morning the police confirmed all the auction goods as stolen. A complete list of the stolen goods was published, but the bracelet was not among them. Which means I also have to visit the second auction, which is supposed to take place tomorrow evening. But yet, the auction was neither confirmed to take place, nor to be called of.

While seeing me off, Shalnark clearly insisted me not to visit the second auction. Even if he didn't gave me any details about it, his reaction still made pretty clear to me that the Troupe also had plans for it.
Which is, why I definitely need to make a better plan, to get the bracelet back. If it is under the auction goods this time, I need to make a plan to steal it before the auction is held and better be gone, before the Troupe is anywhere near the building.

'Jeez, somehow I managed to get my stupid ass in a war between the mafia, and an infamous thieves guild. This kind of shit could've seriously only happened to me...'

Sighting I look back on my phone and again, to watch the mug shots, the police published. Currently seven members of the Phantom troupe are identified, but the police also stated, that there are probably more of them.

While three of them are unknown to me, I recognize Shalnark from his mug shot, as well as the three people I've seen at the arm wrestling contest.
The other three people are a pink haired girl, as well as a big hairy guy, who kind of looks like a viking, and a slim guy with long black hair and traditional Japanese cloth.

The longer I look at the pictures, the more impossible it seems to me to get the bracelet before these people. They are pro thieves after all. Yet, I still have to try.

Well, let's make a plan for the auction...

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