Chapter 5

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Dazai opens the door for me. He grabs my wrist and leans close to whisper:

"You know, if you don't feel comfortable by yourself, let us come in with you."
"There's no need for that." - I answer and take my hand away from his embrace.

I start to walk towards the entrance of a small abandoned factory. There are no lights outside whatsoever. For the government, their chosen meeting places are really under Port Mafia's standards.

I look back to see Chuuya and Dazai, both following my movements. Chuuya nods in seriousness. I could feel the vibe he was giving me. He trusts me. On the other hand, Dazai was looking at me, worried. I enter in, the guards close the doors behind me.

"Welcome, Miss Y/n. - A bald man with glasses greets me as soon as I enter. - You're right on time as always."

I stay silent while I sit on the meeting table they had arranged.

"Let's do this quick. What matter do you want to discuss?" - I ask as he sits down, smirking at me. He's already getting on my nerves.

"So, the blooded rose herself sitting in front of me...How long has it been? - He says as he scans me from head to toe. -  You really take after your dad. Too bad he had to be executed for his crimes..."

I clench my fist ready to end this man. Bringing up my father doesn't help the situation at all. Who does he think he is? Too bad, to me he is just a government toy following other people around while I make my own rules. I control my temper and try to keep it cool.

"There's a reason why people call me that. I don't think you'd like me to show you why...And it's true, some people pay with their lives while others become dogs of people who summon great power. Pathetic really..." - I say as I smile confidently. 

He looks at me and his expression changes. I knew that long ago, he was a traitor to the Port Mafia.

"Let me get to the point. There was a happening in 23 street. Did the Port Mafia have something to do with it? In that explosion, a important government party member was killed."

"Port Mafia had to do nothing with it. We don't happen to know what caused it either. - I lie. I knew who caused it. However, if I were to tell the truth, Dazai may be interrogated or even imprisoned. That's something I have to avoid. - My executive and I were that day in that street. He got injured because of several explosions one after the other. That's all I can say."

(Slight scene of sexual assault coming. If you're uncomfortable with it, skip to the black line below)

"I see... - he goes and scans me again. His stare was making me uncomfortable. - Well then, I was sure a pretty lady such as yourself couldn't have a hand in such a terrible matter."

He kisses my hand and I get disgusted. I try to push him away but he just gets closer, his hands traveling down in my chest.


"What are you doing?!" - I push him to the ground. All the guards pretended like nothing was happening. I forget everything about self-control and take my gun ready to shoot him when two figures appear from behind me, making their way to that man. It was so dark, but it got darker, I couldn't see a thing.

"That's not the right way to treat a lady. Let alone a superior woman leader..." - A cold deep voice gives me goosebumps. I look at the silouhette only to understand it was Dazai. Next to him, there was Chuuya who was clenching his fists: "This guy doesn't know when to stop..." They both approach the man who had fallen to the ground.

"Etheral"- Dazai x readerWhere stories live. Discover now