Chapter 10

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Chuuya's pov

"Surprise, surprise!" - Y/n appears from behind Dazai, shooting her gun towards Fyodor. She stops, and leans close to Dazai, putting her arm around him.

Fyodor face freezes in shock looking at Dazai, who put his elbow in Y/n's shoulder, both with a smirk on their faces

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Fyodor face freezes in shock looking at Dazai, who put his elbow in Y/n's shoulder, both with a smirk on their faces. They looked so superior.

"What are you too so cocky about?" - I ask as I try to get up.

"It can't be. You died!" - Fyodor says confused. Died?! Have the infiltrators misinformed him?

"My death can be considered, a thetrical masterpiece. I didn't know you had that talent in you Dazai! Gotta admit, I'm impressed." - Y/n laughs teasingly and slightly punches Dazai who looked happier than ever.

"I'm surprised myself m'lady! But gotta say, you didn't have to tease me by saying; 'I love you' out of the blue." - He says, crossing his arms, leaning closer to Y/n's face.

"Now, that part wasn't acting." - She says and Dazai goes: "Uh?"

He blushes a little bit and then looks away: "You're really  know how to get away with things, m'lady."

'I've learned from the best. Now, where were we..." - She comes my way to help me up and say: "Go, I'll handle this."

She smiles and I turn to face Dazai, looking at her proudly.

"Will someone explain to me what happened?" - I ask, confused.

"Well, it's quite simple actually. M'lady will you have the honor?" - Dazai asks Y/n who was face to face with Fyodor.

"Gladly." - She says and shows a key to Fyodor who leaves him shocked.

"Impossible, - he whispers to himself.


Y/n's pov

"The thing is, my executive Dazai here had it all planned out from the start." - I say looking back at him, shrugging and boasting about him.

"Oh please M'lady, you're going to spoil me." - Dazai says slightly blushing.

"The night you poisoned Dazai, he understood the glass of whiskey wasn't normal, thus he hesitated. However, in my opinion he drank it for two reasons; he simply wanted to die or he wanted to continue your game. It turned out that Dazai couldn't die from your poision, since he had already tried killing himself with it and it didn't work. However the symptoms stayed. Dazai sacrifised himself for this plan to work out."

"Moreover, Mori claimed that it was just a dizzy spell that he had from being tired. It was obviously a lie. Dazai understood he was a infiltrator when he heard him talk to the phone. He said:

"Etheral"- Dazai x readerWhere stories live. Discover now