Chapter 8

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Present/ Y/N's pov

After hearing all this, I feel my lips shaking, trying to speak a word but I can not manage to. I felt so insecure and weak. This whole confession is such a shock for me. He loves me? He really loves me? Dazai? No, that can't be...

The poem I got the next day...was written by him?! I love poems but never had I read something so beautiful intently written for me. It went like this:

I realized how much you love poems
so I'm gonna write you one everyday.
With you on my mind,
I've got so much I'm dying to say.

What have you done to me
with those beautiful eyes of yours,
you have made me a prisoner
I really have no other choice,

But to love you, to feel you
even from miles away,
I'm desperately searching 
for an easier way,

 to save me from my sufferings
I beg you to stay,

to heal me with your existence
then I can perish away.

  My heart hurts as I recall the poem word by word. I don't know what to do. A voice interrupts my chaotic thoughts:

"Y/n, I hope you get my point here. He's very considerate of your feelings. Maybe, if you try to listen to him once, things may change for the better." - Odasaku tries to reason with me.

A sudden thought rushes to my head. Come to think of it...

"Wait, something is not right in this story. This is the same day you took Dazai to Mori, right?" - I ask, trying to get an answer as soon as possible. I was feeling like I as running out of time.

"Right. Mori said he passed out because he was very tired and had to rest."- Odasaku answered, also trying to realize what we should have known long time ago.

"I'm not a doctor but, don't you think it's impossible for a guy who had multiple suicide attempts and still managed to live, to pass out that easily. What if, it was because of the alchohol?

"He did say it was his first time drinking. However, I've never heard someone pass out from a glass of whiskey."

"Me neither." - I agree.

"Wait a second, I'm recalling something..." - Odasaku pushes his hair to the back, slowly sweating.

"What? What is it? Odasaku? -  I ask anxiously.

"Dazai only drank whiskey everytime he went there, even when I wasn't there, Dazai would go almost every night. Other times he didn't pass out, instead he got other problems. Like I mentioned before, he tends to forget things now. When we left one day he forgot his coat, then his phone. He also lost focus on his health and well-being. Even for the time being, Dazai looks like he's been missing a lot of sleep, and maybe he is! There must have been something on those drinks!"

It finally clicked.

"They have poisoned him, in order to get his pendant." - I realize, not believeing my own words.

Odasaku widens his eyes and goes: "W-what?"

I immediately ask as I get to form a pattern: "What do you know about Dazai's green pendant?"

"He says he keeps him because to him, it is like a healing crystal. It helps him being more positive and healthy. At least that's what he liked to believe. Lately he took it off. He said it wasn't working anymore."

"Since then he has been in a miserable state, meaning that his real pendant was taken away, replaced with a fake one. Fyodor already has the pendant. This is all just a trap! I have to inform Chuuya about this!" - I finally conclude and grab my red vintage coat.

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