Thank you!!!

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Hello! For the time being, I've returned to my semi-sane self. Thank you all for the heart warming tear jerking comments; I'm pretty sure I spent more time crying at the comments than the actual stress in my life. It's depressing to know that people are going through situations that are worse than mine and yet, are so much stronger. I feel like a baby... 。・°°・(>_<)・°°・。

That being said, I'm a nervous wreck when it comes to school and all the motivation and energy is sucked out of me. People have suggested that I should take a break (even though it seems like I've been doing that) so I'm going to take some time off... just to clear my mind, get some scenarios set up and other stories. Even though I'm not updating, I'm still here so feel free to message me and whatever!

Now, before I leave I will upload one scenario called: When he gets a tattoo, so feel free to suggest tattoos the creepypastas get! I've decided to not do the Death Note Boyfriend scenarios, I also had a Legend of Zelda boyfriend scenario book in mind. So, if anyone is willing to write a book about any of the two, I will happily give you the covers of the books that I made.

One last thing! Anyone that has a 3DS and/or Animal Crossing New Leaf please add me as a friend! I know, I'm desperate, just don't destroy my town if you visit! I will add anyone!

Friend code: 4098-5278-4865

Name: Ashton or whatever... (It may say it's wrong or say my name is something else, just PM me if there's
a problem, I don't want to reveal my nickname, just incase my brother happens to find it here, somehow)

And that's it! Sorry for all these lacking updates, being a teen sucks the life outta me! Promise an update soon!!! Thanks!

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