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3rd POV

Over the next few years, Y/N and Percy got married, had twins. A boy and a girl. Their names are Luke Charles Jackson and Bianca Silena Jackson. 

Luke and Bianca also got married and had a girl. Her name is Zoe Artemis Castellan.

Leo and Calypso get married as well and have two boys. The older one is Jason Valdez and the younger one is Travis Valdez.

Clarisse & Chris get married too, and have 1 daughter called Silena Rodriguez.

Y/N brings back Silena and Charles and they get married too. They have one boy. His name is Connor Beckendorf.

Grover and Juniper got married soon after Y/N and Percy did, and have one satyr boy called Liam, and one baby dryad called Peaches (because food names were very common in Juniper's family).

Zoe didn't get married or anything but she was an amazing aunt and babysitter for all 7 (I think) kids.

Y/N and Percy are great rulers and the Alpha Team still keeps the peace in the universe.

Sometimes the gods also visit the large family. But it's mostly Hades, Persephone, Hestia, Hermes, Artemis, Apollo, Hephaestus, and Demeter.

~~~The End~~~

Finished!! Hope you like the story!

Peace out demigods!


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