Chapter 8. War Plans

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(dedicated this chappie to Gabaly08 cause they responded to what I wrote in the previous chapter)


Me: *Runs into this chapter* Whew! Made it away from Chaos/Creator! I should probably watch out though, never know, don't tell anyone where I am, got it? See you later! *Keeps on running*

Everyone: *Comes into this chapter* Did you see where the author is?

Reader: *Shakes head*

Chaos/Creator: You'll pay if we find out you lied.

Reader: *Points hand in direction author went* *Whispers* Sorry author. 

Everyone: Well then, thanks and keep on reading! *Runs after author*

Reader: *Sighs and starts reading*

Annabeth's POV

I ran away from those glares and towards the Big House. Once I got there I saw the Alpha Team. I sighed and glared at them. The leader of the group, Alpha was it shrugged and pointed at Chiron. I sighed again and looked towards him.

"Good, everyone's here. We can get started. Everyone knows why they are here?" All of the cabin counselors, Thalia (who was here because the Hunters where staying at camp) and the Alpha Team nodded.

"We're here for the battle plans," I said.

"No sh*t Sherlock." Stars said plainly. "Why else would we be here?".

"I- I- uh...". Stars then sighed and turned to Chiron and he went on.

"Yes, the battle plans. When Tartarus comes, what do we do?" and we started talking.

Time Skip'eo!

We finished talking after the Alpha Team mixed up my plans. My plans! I presented the plans saying the were foolproof and they started pointing out mistakes here and there. I stormed out of the Big House with my plans to the Athena Cabin.


After Annabeth storms out of the Big House, I turn to Chiron.

"Is she always like that?" I asked him.

"She's been like that since Pe- Percy left, her boyfriend. Everyone thinks he's dead." We then hear a crying noise and everyone turns to see Annabeth by the window. She sees us and runs away.

Annabeth's POV

It's not my fault that Percy left! I cry to myself and run to the beach. I remember how he left that day. He was going to propose and everything. Uh! Why is my life so horrible! This is all Aphrodites fault!

No it's not, it's yours and yours only. You were the last push. You broke him. I heard her say in my head.

Why!?!?!? I remember Percy disappearing one day, I asked Chiron where he was, Chiron smiled and said to wait. I waited and then Mark took control over camp, so of course I would go to him! I thought Percy died or something!

But noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo... The fates are really crule, I thought Mark was all powerful and everything and we started dating, Percy came back from his quest for the stone/ring and found out. He then left and I broke up with Mark as soon as I found out he was really, and I mean really, weak.

For 5 years the campers have been down, knowing deep down that it was us that drove Percy away. I sigh and watch the sun and the waves. 

I then remember this one time, a few days after Percy left. It was the day, or more like the night that I lost my virginity. To who you ask? To Mark of course! 

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