Chapter 4. The Little Surprise (Or big one)

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Percy's POV

We walked for, I don't know, hours? Days? Maybe even weeks, until I saw a large army standing a few miles away from us, I knew why they were here. I looked at the map. 

"We're here," I whisper to the figure. The figure landed beside me so quietly I didn't know it was them until I turned my head.

"What do you think we should do? Can you, you know, do your thing that all of the die?" I asked her (I found out from the voice it was a girl).

"This is not the time for jokes Percy." She replied. "Also, I can't fly in because they have archers. They would shoot me out in minutes." She stated. I sighed. 

"Do you have a bow?" I ask them. She shakes her head.

"I've never been good with a bow. You too probably?" She asks me. I nod.

"We could try getting around them, then once we get close enough to the cliff with the gate out of here. You could fly us out?" I suggest. The figure nods at that idea and folds her wings. 

We start walking around the army. There were about 1 to 2 hundred monsters. That would be kind of hard to beat. But for now, none of them noticed us.

We were almost to the cliff when a group of monsters actually did notice us. They yelled to the others while the figure and I started running. Then the figure grabbed me and shot into the air.

We were almost to the gate when an arrow pierced the figures left arm. Hurting the wing with it. The figure screamed, and we started falling. I knew that we were falling to our deaths since the cliff was about 150 meters above the ground. 

Then the figure surprised me. She kissed me and her hood fell down to show someone I haven't seen in years.

"Y/N! (You understand)" I yell in surprise. 

"I'm sorry Percy, for everything." She told me then I blacked out.

How's that for a chappie?

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