Chapter 7. The Mission

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Let's see if you know what that place is. /\ It has something to do with the story.


I sat in my room. Reading a book in Altean.

You see a couple of days ago we went to the planet Altea, or what used to be the planet of Altea after it was destroyed. We had a mission to go save as many Alteans as we could. And we saved millions. This book was about architecture and stuff that the Alteans learned about (see what I did there? comment if you understand and you might get a dedication in the next chapter!).

I sighed, it's been 5 years since we (Chaos superteam) started this job.

We call ourselves Alpha Team, and people (or aliens) from across the galaxy started calling us this as well. 

My watch started beeping, meaning to go to the throne room. I mind messaged everyone on the team and flashed to the throne room.

Once everyone got there we all looked to Chaos.

"Well, now that everyone's here, what's the mission?" I asked my mother.

"Well, um... CanyougotoEarthtohelpthegodsanddemigodsdefeatyourbrotherTartarus?" I blinked a couple of times.

"What?" I asked her to repeat. She sighed.

"Can you go to Earth to help the gods and demigods defeat your brother Tartarus?". Everyone looked at me and Percy. Like if we started ticking like a bomb. And like a bomb we are because we blew up. Not literally. Just metaphorically. I'm pretty sure we also destroyed a planet. Hope nobody lived on it. (Maybe they meant Annabeth? :)

"Please? You can come back as soon as you want?" my mother pleaded.

"Fine, but under one condition. If we don't want to reveal ourselves. We don't, got it?" I asked her, daring her to say anything. You see in last few years. I became very powerful. Could rival Chaos herself if I wanted to.

"Good, also one last thing." I looked at her weirdly. She looked to a guard and nodded. The guard pushed a button and a camera appeared. Looks like she wants to show the whole universe something.

My mom turned to the camera. "We are here today to celebrate the new Queen of the universe!" I stared at her in shock. I was being made queen?

"But you aren't fading are you?" I asked her worriedly. She shook her head.

"Kneel Y/N L/N." I kneeled and Chaos took the crown and placed it on my head. I stood up.

"I present to you, the new queen of the universe. Queen Y/N!". I had tears streaming down my face. Tears of happiness of course. The camera went away and Percy came over and hugged and kissed me.

"I'm so proud of you." He told me.

"You ain't my dad you know? Your the future king." I told him. He pouted.

"Get ready, you're leaving or Earth in a couple of minutes!" my mom told me and we got ready.

After those few minutes of getting congragulated and getting ready we were all in the throne room with my mother. She was coming with us to present the new queen.

The five of us (Y/N/Alpha, Percy/Omega, Luke/Beta, Zoe/Stars, Bianca/Angel) were wearing cloaks and hoods that covered our faces, except that mine was a light gray, the other's were black.

Chaos created a portal and we stepped threw into the throne room on Olympus.

Athena's POV

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