Chapter 12. The Final Battle

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I ran as quickly as I could to the big house with the Alpha Team and some of the Demigods too. Once there we all gathered around the ping pong table and began to plan.

"He's coming, Tartarus is coming tomorrow. We have to prepare!" Luke/Beta yelled.

"What do we do?" Conner counselor of the Hermes Cabin asked.

"We will fight." And we got to work on our battle plans.

Time Skip

The atmosphere around Camp Halfblood is just filled with tension and felt so thick that one could cut it clean with a butter knife. All of the Demigods were ready, ready to take out their weapons and attack. We all knew this was coming.

"We're all kids that grew up way too fast." - Luke Hemmings.

Demigods keep on asking me if the should go somewhere, do something. This is the thing I tell them.

"See family or rest. You have until tomorrow.". I repeat to every single demigod that comes.

Time Skip

Today's the day. Everyone is standing on the battlefield. Waiting. Waiting for him to come.

Then, suddenly, out of the blue (blue cookies!!!). The sky goes dark. I can hear some demigods whispering between themselves about this.

I knew it wasn't Zeus. He was probably on his throne watching us. The only gods or goddesses fighting with us are Artemis, Ares, Dionysus (surprisingly), Apollo, Athena, and Hephaestus.

Well, Apollo is more in the Camp infirmary with his children just in case someone gets hurt. While Hephaestus is making more armor.

After a couple more minutes of waiting the ground starts to rumble and shake and a huge hole appears just a few hundred meters away from us. From it, monsters start to crawl out in thousands.

"Get Ready!!!" I yell. The demigods prepare their weapons. Soon after a couple of thousand of monsters leave the hole. A chariot appears, pulled by a couple of monsters. There, leading the chariot was my brother. Tartarus.

Once Tartarus came the monsters started to come in fewer groups out of the hole until the hole completely closed.

"Drama Primordial," I mutter and the people around me snigger.

Tartarus coughs a kingly cough.

"Well, well. Is this it? Hahaha! Foolish demigods! You will die today! Your forces are too weak! And where is your... Alpha Team? I see them nowhere?"  I step out of the crowd with the others.

"Well, then you must be blind, brother!" I yell back. "I am right here with my team. My team was chosen by the mother herself." I smirk. "Shame she couldn't be here. I mean, isn't she the one who stops the family quarrels? No? Nah, we'll be done by dinner, she won't notice. Right?" I smile.

"I do not care what the mother thinks! She is to busy anyway with being the queen of the galaxy! She will never notice.". (Jeez, I almost forgot Y/N was queen). I smirk.

"Wrong, again. Didn't you take your history lesson? I am the Queen of the Universe!" I shout. Tartarus's eyes widened.

"I do not care. My army is bigger than your army and will win! Charge!" He yelled.

"Charge!!!" I yelled and the demigods started running with their weapons raised at the monsters. While Luke/Beta, Omega, and I flashed to were Tartarus was. Angel/Bianca and Stars/Zoe helped the wounded demigods.

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