Chapter 3. The Hooded Figure

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Percy's POV

I prepare Riptide and attack the monsters. There were around 20 different monsters. And the Minotaur, plus Kelley and her friends. As soon as they noticed me they all attacked. I slashed and jabbed at them until there was all but one. I put Riptide at his throat.

"Tell me, where is the Map!" I questioned. The monster quivered then pointed. I then killed him off. I didn't even notice I had a cut in my side until a hooded figure with wings as black as night landed a couple of feet away from me.

"Do you also want a little treatment from me?" I inquired. A smirk on my face. The figure took out a bottle of what seemed like Nectar and Ambrosia and threw it at me. I caught them both and almost caught the card that next came at me. I ate a bit of ambrosia and read the card it said.

'No, I do not want to die. You should also always have these things with you Percy. What are you doing here?'  

I read.

"Wait, how do you know my name? And why don't you use your voice?" I asked the hodded creature. I could not see any of it's features. Only two E/C eyes staring at me. I think I saw them somewhere? Oh I'll remember.

The figure threw another card at me.

'I have my ways. And I do not want to use my voice because I don't know if I can trust you.'

It said. I nodded then put the ambrosia and nectar away. I turned around to find that the hodded person already left. I sighed and ran in the derection the map was.


I soared into the air as Percy turned his head. My wings making no noise. I land on a cliff not far away and fold my wings. I sigh, now your probably wondering who am I? Well I am a Demigod Daughter of Hades. 

I pulled my hood down revealing my H/C hair. Twirling it in my hand. The Gods banished me two months after the Battle With Gaea. After all I did! Well actually, it was Zeus removing another threat to his beautiful throne. Uh. 

I know Percy, if that's what you're wondering about. We fought in the 2nd Titan War and the battle against Gaea and her Giants. But I then dissapeared from Camp, knowing that the Gods were looking for me.

I take out a string from my pocket. It was my string of life that I stole from the fates on an adventure. They've been looking for me ever since, so I decide to set the string on fire. If it's not with the fates, it's just a normal string and now I can control my own fate. I sense the Fates and put my hood up. 

As soon as I did that, the Fates appeared.

"We finally found you." The first one said.

"Tell us where the string is." The second one said.

"And we will leave you alone." The third one said.

I smiled. "Well ladies, it turns out I destroyed the string, right before you got here." I told them. The Fates glared at me. Then my face turned serious. "And if you keep on following me. I will destroy your precious string." The Fates then gulped because they knew I was serious. They nodded and dissapeared. I sighed and looked for Percy.

I finally found him behind a rock looking at a group of monsters protecting a fortress. I know why Percy is here. And I will help him. I swoop down when Percy doesn't see and kill of the monsters. Percy looks at the battle seen and goes inside the Fortress. And now I wait.

Percy's POV

I'm at the fortress with the Map. I just need to pass the guards. 

I turn around, my back to the rock and start drawing a battle plan. Once I'm ready I turn around, ready to fight but see that all of the monsters are dead. I shrug and go inside. 

No monsters are on the first floor so I'm guessing that the map is upstairs, protected by more monsters. 

I was correct, as soon as I got upstiars monsters came at me from all sides. I slashed threw them and finally got to the map. Only to get hit in the head by a cyclops. At least I got the map!


I wait for Percy to leave the fortress, but he never does. I swoop down to the fortress to see the problem. I notice Percy getting the map, but then he get's knocked out. I fly down and kill the remaining monsters, then take Percy and fly away.

After 15 minutes of flying I land and put Percy down. I wait for him to wake up by putting myself down to rest. 

Just a few minutes. I tell myself and fall asleep.

(Back to...) Percy's POV

I wake up with a headake. I look around to see that I'm not at the fortress. I stand up and search my pockets for the map. Phew it's here! I then see the hooded figure from earlier, sleeping. I push he/she. After a couple of minutes they wake up. 

"Morning." I smile my lop-sided grin. The figure groans. "I guess I should thank you for what you did.". I tell them. They shrug. "Can I now know who my two time saviour is?" I ask them.

"You might now me. You might not.". Wait, I know that voice from somewhere! Just, where?

I then heard crying.

"A-are you crying?" I ask them.

"I knew you wouldn't remember me. All of that for nothing." They mumble. Oh, great. Did I just say that out loud?

"Well let's get going." I tell them. They nod and fly up to the sky. A couple of meters above me. I start going to the way out of Tartarus. The figure following me.

Sorry but for now it's only going to be these two. I hope you understand!

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