Chapter 6. Teams

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It's been one month since Percy and I came here to Chaos Planet. Everything has been explained and we've been dating since that first day here. All our wounds healed and right now I'm going to my mother's throne room because she wanted something.

I crashed the doors open. Percy ran in after me, and almost got hit by them. I laughed as he struggled. 

Once we were both nicely seated in the throne room, my mother (Chaos remember?) came in.

"Good your both here. Now let's get down to business. All of your wounds are healed?" she asked us. We both nodded. "Well then, you're probably both bored?" she got that question correct. "Well, what about making a team of superheroes or something like that, to save the cosmos"?". I blinked my eyes a couple of times. 

"Wait what?" Percy asked. I sighed.

"She means that we will form a group of people to be heroes of the galaxy. We'll be like the Guardians of the Galaxy, except we'll do our job." I told him.

"Oh, sure, so who's on our team?" He said turning to Chaos.

"A group of 5/6 people. They have to be powerful. You can choose." She informed us. I turned to look at Percy. He looked at me. We both nodded and turned to my mother, and at the same time.

"We want, Bianca di Angelo, Luke Castellan and Zoe Nightshade.". My mother nodded and snapped her fingers. As soon as she did. Three people started appearing in the middle of the room.

Luke's POV

At one moment I was sitting silently drinking my favourite drink in Elisyum, next moment I appear in a strange room that from the looks of it seems to be in space. Wait SPACE!?!?!? How did I get here?

I look around and see Zoe Nightshade and Bianca di Angelo. I got to know her quite well in the after life. I then see a person a throne looking at us.

"Who are you?" I ask her.

"I am Chaos." She simply states. I gasp and start knealing with Zoe and Bianca. I then hear a laugh. I turn around and see Y/N and Percy!

"No need to kneel guys." Y/N laughs at us. I stare shocked at them. Then Y/N and Percy get of the comfy chairs they were sitting on and hug us tightly. I laugh slightly.

"Good to see you too Y/N." I say.

"What are we doing here, and what are you doing here?" Bianca asks the others. They sigh and start explaining.

Time Skip (they use this Time Skip to explain everything that happened since Luke died)

I gasp, shocked about what happened, also I was mad that Annabeth cheated on Percy. If I ever see her again. Oh she'll be sorry. But I'm glad that Percy got over her and got together with Y/N.

"So, you want us to create a superhero team to save the cosmos?" I ask Chaos. She nods.

"But you'll need code names, also Y/N is the leader. She'll choose who's second in command and third. Also, you'll probably need some healers. Think about that aswell. Y/N is also commander of the legions of Chaos, if you ever need a bigger army, go there." She tells us and we flash away to the lounge room.

"So, I will be Alpha." Y/N tells us.

"I will be Omega." Percy says.

"I'm Angel!" Bianca said.

"I will be Stars." Zoe states.

"And I'll be Beta." I told them. Y/N nods.

"Good, now since I'm first in command. Omega is second in command, and just in case, Beta is third in command. Now Angel, Stars, do you know any healing?" She turns to the girls.

"We know some healing from when we were hunters." Zoe infroms us.

"Well then, with some training Angel is first in command with healing, Stars, you're second.". Y/N tells them. Then something like a watch appears on Y/N's wrist.

Y/N looks at it weirdly and suddenly a voice comes out of it. Omega jumps 5 feet into the air. I laugh at him. It was Chaos

"Hello children. This watch can summon the armies of Chaos, and if you need me, you can talk to me.".

"Can't you just mind message us?" Y/N asks her mother.

"I would, but this is funner." Y/N  laughs at her childish mother.

"First mission today, go to the Circulon system and check what's happening there." She tells us and the com goes out. Y/N looks at us.

"Ready?" We all nod. "Then let's go!".

That was a hell of a chapter. Hope you liked it. I didn't want to many characters joining or such. Hope you like the story. 

Percy/Omega: You forgot something.

Me: I did?

Chaos: The disclaimer! Say it!

Me: Why?

Chaos: Say it or I will destory your world, the book with it.

Me: Fine! I swear on Chaos and the River Styx that PJO is not mine! Is that it?

The Characters of PJO/HOO: Yes and no.

Me: What? What did I forget?

The Characters of PJO/HOO: To keep on reading the story, vote and comment down below!

Me: I give up.

The Characters of PJO/HOO: Don't you dare! *Run after author*

Me: Ah!!!!!! See you in the next chapter!  *Runs away from angry characters*

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