Agree To Disagree

Start from the beginning

"Since it may not be in the best interest of our patient,"

"And Derek's not acting in Izzie's best interest?"

"They're ready for us in radiology,"

Renee and Rebecca stood with their arms folded as they watched Izzie undergo the Wada test, it was an extensive procedure where Derek would see which side of Izzie's brain control the language and the memory. It would help them tell how will Derek perform the surgery and if he could be able to perform the surgery, Renee hadn't seen the Wada procedure being performed before, it was new for her and it was exciting.

"Okay, Iz, I am going to show you a series..."

"A series of images that you want me to try to remember once Derek puts the right side of my brain to sleep,"


"Hit me. Show me what you got. okay,"

"Is that a schnauzer or a scottie? How specific do I need to be?" Izzie asks as Renee chuckles.

"Dog's fine,"

"It's either a 727 or a 747,"


"Ooh, a 2-story victorian mansion,"

"We would also accept the word "house.""

"Schnauzer, 747, mansion. Schnauzer, 747, mansion."

"Or dog, plane, house. I'm gonna put the right hemisphere of your brain to sleep now, okay?"

"Dog, plane, house. dog, plane, house. Dog, plane, house. Dog, plane, house. dog, plane, house. Dog, plane, house. Dog, plane, house."

"Okay, now we just wait for the brain activity In that area to stop,"

"Dog, plane, house. dog, plane...H...The monitor beeps.

"Okay, Iz. can you tell me what you saw?"

"Show her the cards. Um ... what's this? Dog. Can you say dog?" Izzie tried to speak but she couldn't say anything, Renee took a deep breath, this was not good and she could see the panic building in the room as Meredith desperately tried to make Izzie speak.

"What's my name?"

"Just stick to the cards, Meredith,"

"M ..."

"Meredith. You know my name. You can say my name,"

"M ..."

"This is what i was afraid of."

"Okay, who's Alex? Iz, okay, you don't have to speak. Just nod your head for me if you know who Alex Karev is."

Izzie didn't nod her head.

"Derek, Izzie can't have the surgery. I will not permit you to perform surgery on her,"

"You can't tell me what to do,"

Mark woke up to this when he was trying to take a good nap, he had been looking for houses the entire night but he couldn't gather the courage to ask Renee to move in with him, the last time they were going to move him, he had screwed everything up. This time, he was sure he wasn't going to screw things up, but he needed to find a place good enough for both of them and Ilaira who was now picking up on his swear words.

"I will tell you what to do when it comes to the best care for my patients,"

"What's going on here?" Mark tried to intervene but was quickly shut up by their glares.

"Izzie is my patient too and one of my friends here, I know what's good for her,"

"You're letting your friendship come in between your decision of what is right and what is not,"

"Renee, do not tell me how to do my job,"

"I will tell you how to do your job because right now you're not doing it,"

"The surgery will be beneficial,"

"This surgery can make her lose what makes her....her. You saw how she reacted, she couldn't even remember Meredith or Alex. What happens if you botch it?"

"I am not going to botch it,"

"Can you people tell me what happened?" Mark asked, his hands on his hips as he looked between the two.

"We performed Wabe procedure on Izzie," Derek said.

"Tell him the complete thing. Izzie couldn't remember who Meredith was or who Alex was, she couldn't even remember how to speak. Yet, Derek's here suggesting that we should go ahead with the surgery,"

"Because the result of the Wabe procedure doesn't reflect on what the outcome of the surgery will be,"

"You don't know that,"

"I think Derek's right," Mark said.


"Stevens has a better chance to live with the surgery,"

"Ha!!" Derek said.

"I can't believe you,"

"I am just saying the truth, Ren,"

"See, I always knew you were my best friend," Derek said before leaving the room. Mark slowly turned to Renee who had her eyes narrowed at him, he was slightly terrified of what was going to come next.

"I am sorry, Ren but Stevens-"

"No sex for you,"


"For an entire month,"

"Now, that's just unfair,"

AN: So... what's a nickname for Madeline??

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