Magic and a whole lots of bullets

Start from the beginning

"Well, the name is Six, Courier Six, and I'm here for a delivery job, but more importantly, what were those things outside?"

"There is no sugar coating this. Those were zombies,"


"Yes, zombies. I know it's ridiculous, but that's all that most of us think in here,"

"And why are there zombies in this town?"

"We don't know yet,"

" I DO!" Six and the cop turned to see a bald old man wearing church clothes and holding a bible "these are end times,"

"I doubt seeing how outside of this town everything normal," said Six

"Well, that's another problem," said the cop.


"We can't leave this town,"


"There some kinda forcefield around the whole town we tried to leave from cars to a boat and nothing works,"

"Listen, what's your name?"

"I'm Deputy Wendall,"

"Wendall, I'm going to finish the job I took while solving your town zombie problems,"

"And how are you going to do that if you don't have a gun?"

"Trust me," Six looks at his Pip-boy and undigitized the Riot shotgun. "I got tons,"

Deputy Wendall took a step back and said, "alright, good luck, Six, and there are other things out there that are more dangerous than the zombies," Wendall made a nod to the fisherman. He removed the barricade from the door.

Six leaves the diner and dead zombies on the ground, and Six heard toward the library. Six is cautious and tries not to get any zombie attention, but two zombies come out of the building and see Six and attack him. Six quickly blew the two zombies' heads off, but the noise caught the attention of other zombies around the area and swarmed Six.

"C'mon you, undead morons. I got tons of bullets to take all of you out!" said Six shooting a couple of zombies

Six undigitized Plasma grenades and throws it at the swarm of zombies, reducing into puddles of green goo. There are no zombies left.

Six looks at his Pip-boy and see he is getting closer to the library "good; I can drop these pages off,"

However, when Six go to the library, he sees more zombies surrounding the library's front.

"I guess I have to find another way in?"

Six looks up in the air for the moment and then sees a woman with jet black hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a buttoned-down white shirt, black tight shorts, tail tuxedo jacket, tuxedo vest, tuxedo hat, a bow-tie, thigh-high boots, and white gloves.

"Alright, I must be seeing things now," Six thought.

The woman pulled out a wand and saw a word backward, then huge lighting shocked the zombies, and the women landed in the center.

"That's what I call an entrance," said the women

Six slowly approach the women, and she turns to Six "okay, who are you and how did you fly and shoot lighting,"

The woman smiled, "what have you never heard of me?"


"I'm the world-famous magician Zatanna and also part of the justice league,"

Courier Six Wild Adventures In The DC UniverseWhere stories live. Discover now