Kana knots his brows for further confusion, "But... You do know that I already rejected her many times, Shane. I even told her I'm gay."

"But she didn't give up on you, Kana. I'm sorry, but you need to know how determined her feelings are towards you. As her brother, it's hard to see her infatuation to you will end up in vain." Shane explains with a sad look on his face.

Kana knew very well how stubborn Sophie feeling is towards him. But as he said before, Kana had been repeatedly rejecting her feelings many times. However, the girl is very persistent and Kana didn't dare to reject her in a harsher way since she's Shane's little sister. Besides, Kana is also not that kind of person. In fact, he's too soft and will end up regretting the act.

But now that it's come to this, he might need to find a harder way. Not harsher, but just more direct. Kana smiles apologetically at Shane and nods, "I apologize in advance to you first if I make her cry later. Please don't hate me or be mad at me too much."

Shane replies the expression with his own, "I won't. You're my friend. I know you won't hurt her unless you need to. Besides, it's not your fault that you attract people like moths to a flame."

The comments earn a small laugh from both of them before Shane bid his farewell and left Kana as he needs to serve behind the counter. And with the doe eyes now looking at the service counter, Kana can't help to notice Sophie's stare. The pretty boy let out a small smile as a reply before averting his gaze away to look at the strawberry cheesecake.

...Sometimes... being wanted is exhausting. 

Kana let out a sigh before turning his head towards the scenery of the city outside the window. With every stranger passing his peripheral, the mudded mind that had been troubling him starts to dissipate a little. But suddenly, his vision catches a familiar silhouette and it is the photographer that he met yesterday.

Mike doesn't appear to see him yet, so Kana quietly watches the man excitedly and points the camera around. It's quite funny to look at.

It amuses Kana a little, creating another smile on his generous chestnut lips. The pretty boy then turns his vision back to the cafe and finishes the small staring session towards Mike. He then opens his messenger bag and took out the dusty blue poem book. The dainty fingertips trace the embossed title as his gentle voice reads the title in a soft and low voice, "Dandelion and Daisy" 

Feeling content with how the endearing feeling faintly seeps into his heart, Kana opens the book and reveals the beloved's signature and the short message that he left.


To dandelion,
Hope to see you smile every day.


Kana let out a small chuckle as he slowly follows the course of the signature while remembering the time when they're still together. The many memories they spent under the lone tree, the one intimate time that he let Kana get closer, and even the time when Kana's younger version confessed towards him at the waterfall. His shocked face was hilarious. 

Then suddenly, Kana hears tapping sounds coming from the window at his side. The pretty boy turns his head and found Mike already standing at the other side and smiling. The close distance surprise Kana a little, but the pretty boy decides to reply to the smile and subconsciously tilts his head to the right.

Mike must've thought Kana's smile was an invitation. Because as soon as those chestnut lips show a beautiful smile, Mike enters the small cafe and approaches Kana with a huge grin before sitting on the opposite side of the young writer. Putting the camera on the table, Mike then greets with the boyish smile still hanging on his lips, "Fancy seeing you here."

Safe Haven - Book One [BxB|18+]✓Where stories live. Discover now