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Sorry, this is just one long rant about my day

Well, today has been eventful... Everything kinda went arse over tit today. It started off with me waking up at half four and crying because my tonsils hurt so much- such fun such fun-. Then when I finally managed to go back to sleep, it felt like only moments after that I was lovingly woken up by an 'Oi. Get the fuck up' by my dad. Thanks dad. Then when I didn't get up because I couldn't be bothered my mum came in saying 'Hoppit poppit, you need to get up for school'. Did I mention that I love my mum? Anyways, when I didn't reply she prodded me until I rolled out of bed. From there I nearly missed my bus and got my arse frozen off since it was about minus two outside. Then, first lesson was drama which normally I love but it was our assessment day and I couldnt speak as I had tonsilitis as I have previously mentioned. The day went past pretty slowly, I only got a B on my German oral assessments. Pissed. Then Jess got me a hot water bottle from the key stage area, what a sweetheart :) Oh shes such a lovely child when she wants to be hahaha just remembered a really shitty joke she told me, it went along the lines of 'every middle class person always says lovely' or some shit... it was funnier when she said it as that was more of a statement. Anywho, I'm not going to talk about her as she's probably reading this and I don't want to embarrass myself in front of her, which I seem to do a lot haha. Then came work... Ugh. I go to work with my two friends- not the ones from last chapter- Chantelle and Beth, and I love them both to bits but Chantelle is the most fudgeing irritating person on the planet. She started working for my parents, which is where we all work, because she was originally meant to be my temp, but now she works more than me because she stays there when I'm working! Where is the logic?! Don't answer that there's no point. Anyway, she was already getting on my tits cause she tried to steal my style and everything I say or do but then she really annoyed me because she got into a strop because she couldn't help me and Beth put the Christmas decorations up, so we let her do something. Everything was going fine until she got off the chair (she was putting streamers on the ceiling) and broke the fucking potted plant pot. Stupid bitch. Then she didn't clean it up, or apologise OR get me any supplies so I could clean it up for her, but when my mum came in yelling and screaming because we'd broken her plant pot she turned into an angel again so she wouldn't get fired. I wish she'd of been fired. Okay rant over.

My life isn't the best at the moment but it isn't the worst I guess, I'm going to let you know some things about me.

1) I'm petrified of thunder and lightning. Seriously whenever I hear or see it I have to hide under my duvet or hug someone cause I'm so scared, I know it cant hurt you... Unless it's forked lightning in which case it can kill you, but anyways normal lightning cant but it's just so goddamned scary.

2) I'm bi, in case you didn't guess from me saying that I went out with Jess haha. Jess and I have been out about seven times, I dont know the specifics though I've lost count to be honest. I have a plan to get her back though, which is good because I do actually really like her it's just going to take a bit of time.

3) I'm quite well off money-wise, so if you hear me talking about my holidays to some place you've never heard of then please don't be surprised, just buy a map.

4) I'm a really soppy, lovey-dovey person but I don't like people to see it, as I'm afraid they'll just walk all over me like people have done in the past. Not naming names but you know who you are... So yeah, this also means that I have major trust issues with people, I have like a defense mechanism that kicks in before I tell people the truth nowadays. What I mean by that is when someone asks me how I am or something I'll always say I'm fine, even if they can see that I'm crying right in front of them because I don't want to be taken advantage of when I'm at a low point.

5) I have so many secrets. Even if I'm best friends with someone I still probably have over ten major secrets that I don't tell them, which I guess links in with point four, but oh well. In games like one question one answer I normally lie quite a lot, I don't even mean to I'm just worried that if the other person finds out then they'll go and tell someone else something about me that I don't particularly want them knowing.

6) I'm known as the funny one in my group and maybe even in the form but I'm not too sure of that, I think that might be a girl called Imogen but as I said I'm not entirely sure. Anyways this is probably because I'm so worried about so many things that I do, most of these things are what Jess has said, for example 'Kate is really annoying me over text' or 'Kate you should really put your hair up higher in a ponytail' etc.

7) I like two people at the moment and they're both two of my friends, oops haha. I can't help it. Yeah they're both girls- One's Jess and the other's a secret- but everyone apart from the secret grl knows that I like her. Awkward. Like, the other day we hugged and she was all like 'I love you Spoons' -I'll refer to this nickname in the next point- and then Chantelle started giggling to herself as she knew that I liked her, not so good really. But this mystery girl is straight so it doesn't really matter I guess.

8) Spoons is my nickname because my head is like a spoon. Not literally like silver and proper spoony but in the shadow if I move my ears back I look like a big wooden spoon. My friend found this out and started spreading it and low and behold the nickname spoons was born.

Yeah okay I can't think of anymore at the moment which sucks I know because I was so close to doing ten but I'll probably do more next chapter after I've had some time to actually think of things about  myself to write on here haha.

Sorry, bye

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