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If you're jess, try not to get too upset honey. Ha.

So okay I haven't really been on here in a while but I think it's about time that I update. So quite a lot has gone on since I last wrote on here but I'm not entirely sure what. However something's happened pretty recently that jess probably won't want to read about if this is in her library.

Okay jess went on holiday. She met someone. I knew she would but she PROMISED me she wouldn't do shit with anyone or get with anyone. Surprise surprise she lied. As you can probably tell I'm pissed off. The thing is, she's meant to be a lesbian, but she's going out with a guy. Which either means she was attention seeking before or really badly needs a fuck buddy now. Slut. I really hope she's reading this tbh but if not then whatever. I doubt she is she's probably dribbling over her boyfriend. I really don't want to be this angry but we've been through so much together I've spent my life making sure this girl is happy and having fun but as soon as I break up with her ONCE she goes off and GETS FUCKING FINGERED by a guy she's known for like five days. She kept making the excuse that it was my fault because I broke up with her and if I hadn't then she wouldn't have gone out with him, but she KNEW I was gonna ask her out again, tomorrow in fact. Overall, I'm extremely upset to be honest, I really liked her and I kept trying to do everything for her and all I get repaid with is her constantly fucking me over. Thanks.

In other news, I've gotten really close with my best friends over this cause now they've seen me fragile and they know my pain and blah blah blah but yeah so I've had my little rant. But y'know what really ticks me off? The fact that I wrote the last chapter and meant every word but now none of it matters.

Changing subject, this evening I had a lovely dinner with James and it was really nice tbh we went to the gourmet burger kitchen and it was really nice :) he's gotten better looking and he has a great sense of humour. Me? Falling for him? Maybe a little. I think it's time to give guys a go instead of girls, cause they appear to be bitches haha. Well that's all, ill try and update more from now on

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