Ch.55 Friendly Advice

Start from the beginning

How can you make it up to me? I was waiting for you to text back.

Beautiful Snow 💙 | 7:01

Please, Kiyo-kun.

He'll be busy next month and I didn't get to spend time with him during the training camp. 

I'll spend time with you tomorrow. 

Kiyo-kun💚 | 7:02

So that's it?

You're going to spend time with that Fukurodani Setter now?

Beautiful Snow 💙 | 7:02

Hey stop it. 

It's only for today. At least you have time to yourself right? 

Kiyo-kun💚 | 7:02

Is it because of your Mother? Did she tell you to spend time with him?

Please, come over.

Beautiful Snow 💙 | 7:02

No it's not my Mother! 

I'm going to come over tomorrow, okay? At least I'm telling you unlike most girls who doesn't communicate with their boyfriends. Kiyo-kun, don't worry. I'm sure you need to clean up and have time for yourself.

Kiyo-kun💚 | 7:03

I want to spend it with you.

I sighed to myself. I can't even think right now. I stand up and grabbed my small bag and mask. I head downstairs and found my Aunty and Mother talking in the dinning room. 

"I'm going to go out." I announced as I see that my Aunty looked a bit down. I turned to my Mother and furrow my eyebrows. "What happened?" 

"You told your Aunty about your boyfriend and not me?" Mother sounded offended. 

"Well, I do live with her." I replied. "He comes over sometimes and helps me clean the house." 

"And I thank them both, Minari." Aunty chimes in. "Sakusa-kun's handsome, Minari. Give them a chance at least."

"No." Mother shakes her head. "Miyuki will need to choose between him and volleyball. I don't think they'll be in a long relationship when she graduates. Tell me, did you tell him about the deal, Miyuki?" 

"Not yet. I have this year and the next year to tell him. My relationship with him isn't your business, Mother." I pulled on my mask and my shoes on. 

"This daughter of mine." Mother scoffs as Auntie was laughing a bit. 

"I'll be back for dinner." I announced, opening the door and hearing my Mother's faint voice before closing the door. 

Normal POV

"Don't you care about her well-being?" Mother asked. 

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