Shedding Old Skin

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- Chapter Twelve -

Kaz stands behind the kitchenette island, witnessing not for the last time you and Chase making eyes at one another from across the table. Baffled, and yet intrigued, Kaz witnesses a silent conversation that he cannot understand pass between you and Chase, all without words and little to no body movement. Although sometimes intriguing, he really has no desire to find out what yours and Chase's wordless conversation is about. "I thought the googly eyes were gonna die down, and yet I was foolish to think such a thing."

Bree snorts at Kaz's comment, sipping her cup of tea. "At least the tension has eased. It was worse back at the academy."

Kaz raises an eyebrow. "It was worse?"

Bree nods her head. "Let's just say at the beginning of [Name]'s arrival, there was this…" Bree pauses, thinking for a moment before saying, "thick tension between her and Chase."

"You know we're literally three feet away," Chase says to them, eyes unwavering from your gaze. 

The corner of your lips twitch upwards as you bring your mug up to your lips. Raising an amused brow at Chase, he fights a smile as he wraps his fingers around his gingerbread mug.

Bree rolls her eyes at him. "We weren't trying to be subtle."

It came to no one's surprise when the team found out about the new status of yours and Chase's relationship. However, you were surprised that they were taking bets with one another, which really shouldn't have been all that surprising.

"What, I thought it would take at least a few more months in order for you guys to get your heads out of your butts." Skylar had told you as she handed over a ten dollar bill to Bree. 

"At the rate you guys were going, I was expecting at least middle age." Kaz sighed, staring longingly at the money he gave away to Bree.

"Seeing at how emotionally constipated you were, I was expecting never." Oliver said, yelping when Skylar hit his arm. "Okay, at least until another few years, maybe a decade."

Bree squawked as Douglas snatched all the money she collected from her hands. "Excuse me! I won that!"

Douglas pocketed the money. "You said another few months, I said before the end of this year. I win." His smile was smug and satisfied.

All Chase could do was shake his head. "I can't believe you guys."

"You're all terrible." You couldn't help but laugh at them.

Standing from the table, you make your way around the kitchenette island to place your mug in the sink. "Guys, you're overreacting."

"Says you." Kaz says, but he smiles as he holds up a mini muffin. "Want one?"

You take it, biting into it as you settle into the stool. "When is Douglas coming?"

"He called and said he would be here in two hours," Bree says as Chase gets up to wash his mug. Bree shrugs. "Depends on how he's feeling to be honest, he seems to be less than enthusiastic right now."

Kaz scoffs. "How could he be? It's literally Christmas season!"

"That's precisely the reason." Chase says, leaning back against the counter. "He went off on a tangent about how people were acting at one of the shopping centers the other day."

Kaz says, "It's only December thirteenth. Was it really that crazy?"

Chase shrugs. "You know how people are. He went on a weekend."

Bree shakes her head, holding her tea close. "There's the problem. What did you say?"

"I told him he should've waited until a weekday." You three stare at him as he pauses for a moment. "After that, he gave me the silent treatment."

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